TMB a Derby Girl...
May 17, 2010 5:43 PM   Subscribe

I'm running out of time (and ideas) for my roller derby name. Please help me put a TMBG spin on it!

I'm a They Might Be Giants fan and an aspiring derby girl. Actually, I'll officially be a derby girl as of Wednesday when I turn in my paperwork and declare my name.

Other than Ana Ng, what other female names are mentioned in TMBG songs?

Bonus points if you can take that to the next level and craft it into a TMBG-inspired derby name!
posted by meindee to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (35 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Mr. Horrible? Or, I guess, Mrs. Horrible?
posted by madmethods at 5:48 PM on May 17, 2010

What about something from She's Actual Size?
Alternatively, from Mink Car(?), She Thinks She's Edith Head
Or, (She was a) Hotel Detective

Good luck!
posted by Lemurrhea at 5:49 PM on May 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

Particle Ann?
posted by oinopaponton at 5:54 PM on May 17, 2010 [6 favorites]

Seconding 23skidoo. Ana Angry is the best.
posted by JV at 5:55 PM on May 17, 2010

Except it should be Ana Ngry.
posted by Nothing... and like it at 5:56 PM on May 17, 2010 [10 favorites]

Bangs is about a woman. (I assume.)
There's a kind of non-song intro called "Doris Cunningham"
Dr. Worm is presumably a guy, but women can be doctors (and drummers) too.
"Hot Cha" is technically a man's name in the song of the same name, but it would be a good roller derby name.
"Lazyhead and Sleepybones" are of indeterminate gender, but those probably aren't good roller derby names.
"Lucky Ball and Chain" refers to a woman, for what it's worth.
There's a song called "On Earth My Nina."
"Rabid Child" might make a good roller derby name.
"Wicked Little Critta" is a guy, but it might make a good roller derby name.

And that's all I've got.
posted by lore at 5:59 PM on May 17, 2010

Nothing... TOTALLY HAS IT! Anna Ngry!
posted by kpht at 6:01 PM on May 17, 2010

Bossa Me
posted by hermitosis at 6:03 PM on May 17, 2010

Edith Head.
posted by contraption at 6:04 PM on May 17, 2010

Everybody Wants a Rink
posted by escabeche at 6:06 PM on May 17, 2010

Edith Headinjury, for the appropriate roller derby pun.
posted by padraigin at 6:08 PM on May 17, 2010 [6 favorites]

nthing Ana Ngry
posted by radiosilents at 6:22 PM on May 17, 2010

posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 6:26 PM on May 17, 2010

Whatever you come up with, you HAVE to append it with "The Kind with Teeth"
posted by hwyengr at 6:31 PM on May 17, 2010 [3 favorites]

You should be XTC. convince another team to be Adam Ant. Then, when you go head to head, you're:

XTX vs. Adam Ant
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 6:32 PM on May 17, 2010

Not a name, but if your jerseys have numbers, yours should definitely be Number Three.
posted by tellumo at 6:33 PM on May 17, 2010

Birdhouse In Your Hole
posted by plinth at 6:40 PM on May 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

Definitely Ana Ngry.
posted by nonspecialist at 7:10 PM on May 17, 2010

Either Doctor Worm or Rabbi Vole could be gender neutral.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 7:26 PM on May 17, 2010

Two Johns and a Band of Dans!
posted by ThaBombShelterSmith at 7:48 PM on May 17, 2010

Particle Ann
Particle Mandy
Izzy T. Bull
T.M.B. Giant
"Lucky" Ball & Chain

Sorry my knowledge ends with Flood.
posted by jabberjaw at 8:04 PM on May 17, 2010

That Blue Thing
posted by umbú at 8:28 PM on May 17, 2010

I love Ana Ngry.

How about Jane K. Poke?
posted by MegoSteve at 8:56 PM on May 17, 2010

IstanBULL Ate Constantinople?

Okay, way too long for a derby name, but now I have that song stuck in my head again after reading this thread.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:39 PM on May 17, 2010

I like Edith Headinjury, from above.

Sullen Moon - or perhaps throw in a Punky Brewster reference and go with Sullen Moon-Frye?
I feel like I should be able to do something with The World's Address, too, but nothing I can think of quite works.

Ooh - a quick look at my mp3s turns up Stormy Pinkness, definitely another good contender!
posted by polymath at 10:25 PM on May 17, 2010

posted by travis08 at 10:37 PM on May 17, 2010

Sapphire Bullet
Dee, World Destruction
Minnie Mum Wage
Rabid Child
Hot Cha
posted by hydrophonic at 10:55 PM on May 17, 2010

Precious little grrrl?

But Ana Ngry is tops.
posted by freya_lamb at 1:53 AM on May 18, 2010

Screaming Arg-Annette
(from my favourite TMGB line ‘countless screaming Argonauts’)
posted by sleepy boy at 3:56 AM on May 18, 2010

posted by jquinby at 5:55 AM on May 18, 2010

Istanbelle McConstantinople...ok I'm done.
posted by jquinby at 6:04 AM on May 18, 2010

Mink Car(rie)?

As in, I got hit by
posted by mincus at 8:21 AM on May 18, 2010

Black & Blue Canary
Anna (a)ngst
Particle Grrl
Triangle Grrl
posted by topher74 at 9:24 AM on May 18, 2010

Ana Ngry is quality, and best of all, a quick check reveals no gimmick infringement from the semiofficial Rollergirl Name Registry!
posted by nicepersonality at 5:51 PM on May 18, 2010

Please let us know what you pick!
posted by polymath at 8:28 PM on May 18, 2010

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