What does this song sound like
December 20, 2009 4:28 PM   Subscribe

What song does the intro to this song my friend wrote sound like?

It is not from napoleon dynamite or a wes anderson movie (I checked). Maybe it is from an iPod commercial from a few years ago? Please help me out! It's driving me nuts!
posted by rebent to Media & Arts (14 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
There's a hint of Teenage Wasteland though I bet there are ton that people will come up with here.
posted by rafter at 4:32 PM on December 20, 2009

AC~DC Thunderstuck?

posted by tresbizzare at 4:32 PM on December 20, 2009

I thought of Teenage Wasteland as well.
posted by runningwithscissors at 4:35 PM on December 20, 2009

Response by poster: no, not even metal/rock genre. The song I am thinking of is much more pop-indie, like something from a Target commercial maybe?
posted by rebent at 4:36 PM on December 20, 2009

Seconding Thunderstruck.
posted by hot soup girl at 4:37 PM on December 20, 2009

It's an AC/DC song that's for sure.

You're probably identifying with the hammer on/pull off technique rather than the music.
posted by fire&wings at 4:38 PM on December 20, 2009

Thirding Thunderstruck.
posted by ZenMasterThis at 4:41 PM on December 20, 2009

Response by poster: Yes, his song does sound like Thunderstruck, but that is NOT the song that I was thinking it sounded like.
posted by rebent at 4:50 PM on December 20, 2009

Baba O'Riley.
posted by box at 4:53 PM on December 20, 2009 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Just to double-check, it's not the Penguin Cafe Orchestra song "Music for a Found Harmonium" used in Napoleon Dynamite? Because they sound virtually identical to me.
posted by one_bean at 5:00 PM on December 20, 2009

2ing Music for a Found Harmonium.
posted by ofthestrait at 5:02 PM on December 20, 2009

I thought Penguin Cafe Orchestra as well.
posted by csimpkins at 5:53 PM on December 20, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks, I think that is it. Lots of thanks to whoever made the OST for not including it... :/

Thanks One_Bean!
posted by rebent at 6:25 PM on December 20, 2009

Response by poster: Here is another version of Found Harmonium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MzQiQc2hyw
posted by rebent at 6:30 PM on December 20, 2009

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