My Wii Fit talks too much!
January 29, 2009 5:26 AM   Subscribe

How can I make my Wii Fit less chatty?

So, I bought a Wii Fit, and I really like it...except for the fact that it takes about a minute of chattiness for each "fit credit" minute. Is there any way to cut down on the downtime? E.g., no scrolling through the records, no chat after the exercise, etc.? Cheat codes? New version? Anything?

If I could keep it from hassling me after it discovers that I've gained 3 pounds in the five days since I last exercised [mind you, I'm underweight, here, so it was even more appalling!], that would be nice too.
posted by leahwrenn to Technology (8 answers total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I just keep hitting the A button. It usually makes you wait a fraction of a second, but it cuts way back on the interstitials.
posted by Etrigan at 5:30 AM on January 29, 2009

After you've done an exercise once, the trainer will simply say "let's do some torso twists", then get to it instead of walking you through the exercise. It takes about a second.

I too was originally annoyed, but it goes much faster now.
posted by King Bee at 5:55 AM on January 29, 2009 [1 favorite]

Yeah, just keep hitting A.
posted by spilon at 6:55 AM on January 29, 2009

BUT be mindful of hitting A so much that you hit "Retry" instead of "Quit" at the end, because the system seems convinced that you'd want to do whatever you just did, again. More irritating moments wasted.
posted by Monster_Zero at 7:07 AM on January 29, 2009

If I could keep it from hassling me after it discovers that I've gained 3 pounds in the five days since I last exercised [mind you, I'm underweight, here, so it was even more appalling!], that would be nice too.

If you figure this out, let me know. I set a tiny goal when I first got it (I think it was "lose 1 pound in a month"). I lost more than that. It scolded me for not meeting my goal.

As for the talkiness, I just keep hitting A, or I engage my trainer in sarcastic conversation. Hey, it helps pass the time, and it makes WiiFit feel more like MeFi.
posted by catlet at 7:27 AM on January 29, 2009 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: So, no one has a real solution then? I'd figured out the "keep hitting A" 'solution' already, actually...
posted by leahwrenn at 1:05 PM on January 29, 2009

No, and the worst is that you STILL can't string together a workout from the base exercise parts. It's great that the system gets us off our asses, but bad that there's so much downtime trying to get to the exercise. Nintendo hasn't yet fixed this in any downloading updates or anything.
posted by eatdonuts at 1:31 PM on January 29, 2009

This is why I don't work out with Wii Fit. It does a great job of sucking you in with fun games and a new kind of controller, but once the novelty wears off you're just doing a series of bad 1-minute workouts with about 2 minutes of fluff in between. I'd rather get on the treadmill.

My wife did find that the "run around Wii Island" game, whatever it's called, has some advanced modes where you can basically run in place for a good half hour or so without any pauses. You might not have unlocked those yet.
posted by mmoncur at 5:09 AM on January 30, 2009

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