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Questions About Cape May, NJ
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September 6, 2011

Activities in Cape May, NJ

Cape May, NJ filter: We're visiting Cape May for the first time this Thurs-Sun for our fifth wedding anniversary. We were hoping to make this a beach/pool trip, but unfortunately, the weather looks pretty miserable. Any suggestions on activities/locations in the area that we can enjoy despite the rain? Restaurant suggestions also appreciated. [more inside]
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell around Cape May, NJ at 1:02 PM - 4 answers

March 9, 2010

Cape May in the cold and rain?

We're visiting Cape May, NJ this weekend with 6 and 8 year old kids. We've been there before, but the weather isn't looking great. Any recommendations for activities or restaurants we might not know about? [more inside]
posted by Barnsie around Cape May, NJ at 10:29 AM - 7 answers

January 29, 2010

Cape May in March?

I am looking to visit Cape May, NJ, with my longtime girlfriend. I am going to be proposing to her and I want to know if it is advisable to plan a visit during March (The only time that works for us). We're not necessarily looking to go swimming, but I'd like to be sure that there are still nice, romantic things we can see and do. Any advice about the weather and the sights in the area would be appreciated. I'm also open to suggestions about alternate destinations in the Philadelphia area. Thanks!
posted by Aanidaani around Cape May, NJ at 8:35 PM - 14 answers

June 26, 2004

South Jersey

Anyone here from south Jersey? I mean waaay south, like near Cape May. It looks like I may be relocating there, and I know zilch about the area. Which towns are especially cool/funky/arty and/or especially affordable on a librarian's salary? Which are especially uncool/scary or unaffordable on civil servant's wages (seems to be no shortage of the latter)? [more inside]
posted by willpie around Cape May, NJ at 6:19 AM - 6 answers