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Questions About Gary, IN
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September 11, 2020

Is Gary, Indiana a safe city to visit?

If we can go to the US next year, I'd like to check out Gary, Indiana. But the reputation of the city precedes it. Is it as bad as people say? [more inside]
posted by mippy around Gary, IN at 8:36 AM - 26 answers

February 21, 2020

Safe/interesting coffee/food between Illinois and Indiana?

A friend and I are going to maybe "meet in the middle." I'm in northern-ish Illinois and they're in northern-ish Indiana. A vertical line passes approximately between us through Gary, IN. Does anyone have recommendations for low-key but non-chain food or coffee within a 10-20 mile radius around Gary, IN? Or even a favorite, safe-/clean-feeling, franchise-chain-filled highway oasis?
posted by zeek321 around Gary, IN at 4:28 PM - 5 answers

August 6, 2014

Help Me Shoot (Pictures) Gary, Indiana

As a kid, I happened to pass through Gary, IN, on a handful of occasions. I was always blown away by the frightening industrial sprawl; it looked like Mordor, or Blade Runner, especially at night. Now I'm a grown up, and I would like to take cool pictures of this. [more inside]
posted by credible hulk around Gary, IN at 10:17 PM - 9 answers

July 11, 2009

Gary Indiana Gary Indiana

Riding bike from Chicago to Gary, Indiana— what to do in Gary? [more inside]
posted by Sreiny around Gary, IN at 7:53 AM - 5 answers

June 16, 2008

Don't stop in Gary, Indiana.

I'm going on a road trip from NYC to Chicago, then to DC, then back to NYC. I have plenty of time for stopovers and I'd like to see more than I-80. What should I stop to do during this trip? [more inside]
posted by ben242 around Gary, IN at 2:00 PM - 5 answers has best