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Questions About Key West, FL
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December 8, 2019
Key West, FL in February
I know precious little about Key West and the Keys in general. My friends are no help as they haven't been there, either. My spouse and I are attending a sort-of last-minute planned wedding in Key West mid-February 2020 and I know NOTHING about Key West.
More specifics inside... [more inside]
April 3, 2019
Where to stay in Key West in early May?
Two adult women (mother and daughter) planning a 5 day getaway, May 6 through 10. We would like to be walking distance to eateries and sightseeing. [more inside]
November 18, 2014
How do I find out if this craigslist-posted vacation rental is a scam?
We are trying to reserve a vacation rental in Key West FL that has set off some red flags as to its legitimacy. What question can we ask the contact person to help figure out if this is a legitimate rental or a scam? [more inside]
January 14, 2014
What to do during our 3rd trip to Key West
My boyfriend and I are going to Key West for the 3rd year in a row. I'm psyched, but since we've already been there twice somewhat recently, I wondering just how we'll fill our time. [more inside]
October 21, 2013
Key West and snorkling
Hi, all. My sister and I would like to take some time together for a trip this January. We need some help planning things out. [more inside]
November 4, 2012
Restrooms in Key West?
How easy or difficult is it to find available restrooms when walking around Key West? [more inside]
February 14, 2011
What to see in Key West?
Going to Key West this coming weekend. What should I absolutely not miss out on? [more inside]
January 14, 2011
Sleeping arrangements for a two year old away from home?
We are headed to Key West in May with a two year old. I'm not sure where she should sleep. Suggestions? [more inside]
June 3, 2010
What's the forecast for oil in Key West in late June?
Going to Naples and Key West for vacation in late June -- would you be worried about oil spill? Any other tips for the trip? [more inside]
April 28, 2008
Tell me what to bring.
I'm going to Key West for the weekend on Thursday. What do I need to make sure I bring with me? Also looking for some good warm-weather clothing suggestions.
October 24, 2006
Key West Fantasy Fest survival advice
A few friends and I are going to head down to Key West for Fantasy Fest this weekend (We don't have a room, it'll just be a day trip from Miami on Saturday). Anyone have experience, advice or tips for a few Fantasy Fest virgins? [more inside]
March 20, 2006
A Pirate Looks for a Hotel
Affordable accompdations in Key West in May? [more inside]
March 2, 2006
Where to find a romantic charter in Key West?
Kayaking / picnic / romance suggestions in Key West. We're heading down in April, and I've promised her a day of activities in Key West for her birthday. Ideally, a chartered sailboat, a lot of kayaking, and a picnic lunch on some kind of small island. Having a naturalist on hand (or just an old salt) to explain what we're seeing would be nice, too. [more inside]
January 15, 2006
Key West travel
I'm planning a trip to Key West. Any suggestions on lodging, entertainment, dos or don'ts?
June 10, 2005
What to do in Key West.
A friend and I are travelling down to Key West, Florida, on the 19th for a week. What are some fun, cheap, off-the-beaten path things to be seen and do while there? (We're both 20 years old, if that matters.)