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Questions About Oxford, England
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July 10, 2013

What to do in the UK and thereabouts?

My wife and I are planning on going to visit my sister's family in Oxford in late August in September. We are in the US. We figured we'd just get around to booking some flights, and everything else would fall into place. Well, it has not! We're not sure where to go, what to do, and how long to do it, so we're looking for suggestions. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt around Oxford, England at 8:50 PM - 22 answers

April 7, 2011

What should I look for in a mid-range commuter bike?

What should I look for in a mid-range commuter bike? And where should I buy one in Oxford, UK? [more inside]
posted by penguinliz around Oxford, England at 10:50 AM - 3 answers

March 9, 2011

Accommodation in Oxford (England)--not for students

Looking for cheap accommodation in Oxford (England). Special snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by Logophiliac around Oxford, England at 4:04 AM - 14 answers has best

July 6, 2010

How to leave Oxford (other than graduating)

Side trips from Oxford (England): one or two day jaunts needed [more inside]
posted by Clyde Mnestra around Oxford, England at 11:35 AM - 14 answers

June 12, 2010

traveling to oxford

Tips on traveling to Oxford, England, especially regarding phone and internet? [more inside]
posted by ms.codex around Oxford, England at 1:09 PM - 11 answers

November 9, 2009

What do I need to do in Oxford, UK?

What do I need to do in Oxford, UK? [more inside]
posted by justalisteningman around Oxford, England at 6:01 PM - 26 answers

July 23, 2007

Oxford: Parking for myself and a car?

Oxford UK: Want to know where I can park myself at an inexpensive B&B and my car. [more inside]
posted by MasonDixon around Oxford, England at 5:35 AM - 7 answers has best

April 24, 2005

Affordable bed and breakfast, Oxford, England.

Advise and information please on an affordable bed and breakfast in Oxford, UK. [more inside]
posted by adamvasco around Oxford, England at 11:05 AM - 5 answers

February 21, 2005

Temporary housing in Oxford, England

My boyfriend will be spending 4 months in Oxford, England as a visiting researcher. He needs to find a place to stay [more inside]
posted by darsh around Oxford, England at 8:59 AM - 16 answers has best

October 14, 2004

Restaurant in Oxford

Special/unique/great restaurants in Oxford? (of course there's more inside) [more inside]
posted by sueinnyc around Oxford, England at 11:58 PM - 16 answers