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Questions About Milan, Italy
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October 31, 2024
Things to bring an American tween from northern Italy
I’m going to northern Italy without my fourth grader. What should I bring back for her? [more inside]
May 17, 2024
Nice Place to Pop the Question in Milan?
~Asking for a Friend~
My friend is taking his GF to Milan to propose next week and is nervous because hasn't yet found the right public place to do so.
Any Milanophiles in here?
(more inside) [more inside]
November 11, 2018
Milan after dark
I will be visiting Milan in December for work. I'll be pretty busy during the days, but should have my evenings free. This will be my first time in Milan -- help me make the most of it! [more inside]
September 14, 2015
A stylish disaster -- Should we avoid Milan during 2015 Fashion Week?
We booked a trip to Milan September 23-27th. After the fact, we learned it is Fashion Week! Should we try to avoid the city and just escape into the countryside? Will museums still be open to the public? Bonus question: Is the Milan Expo worth attending? [more inside]
September 7, 2015
Milan & the Italian Lake District in Winter
Is the Italian Lake District still lovely in winter? [more inside]
July 8, 2012
Last-minute adventure near Milan
I missed my flight back to the states, and have an unexpected day to kill in/around Milan. Does anybody have suggestions for where to go / what to do? [more inside]
June 12, 2012
Looking for SIM vendors in Milan, Malpensa Airport
Need help finding SIM card providers in the Milan / Malpensa airport. [more inside]
August 8, 2010
Should I go to Milan
I have a chance to go to Milan in mid-October. My husband's ticket will be paid for, so we'll just be out-of-pocket for my ticket and lodging for a week. It's been an expensive year for us so far, and I'm reluctant to lay out money for this trip unless it's likely to be spectacular and relatively inexpensive.
I cringe at the thought of paying for a rental car and staying at an expensive hotel. On the other hand, the thought of a hostel is not very enticing - unless there's a private room and bathroom.
So Mefites - can you recommend spectacular things to do in Milan and places to stay for a frugal traveller? Would this trip be worth it?
July 4, 2010
One night in Milan
Where should my girlfriend and I stay in Milano for one night? For cheap. Hostel or hostel-finder recommendations? [more inside]
March 9, 2010
Affordable accommodations in Milan in April?
Affordable accommodations in Milan in April? [more inside]
June 28, 2009
8 Hours in Milan?
Things to do close to the central train station in Milan? [more inside]
March 9, 2009
I'm leaving on a Jetplane (or Two).
Can you help me figure out flights to Milan, Italy in two weeks? [more inside]