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Questions About New Delhi, India
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February 2, 2014
how to follow up on a theft in delhi?
my day bag was stolen from a train in delhi. contents: my camera (and all the pictures from my trip), a handheld digital audio recorder, my journal of the last week, an ipod, my glasses, and a lot of other stuff that i can't imagine anyone would care about. what's my next move? [more inside]
November 24, 2013
Newbie travelling to India
I'm contemplating travelling to India (New Delhi to start with) in January for ~10 days and meeting a friend there who is a naturalized US citizen who was born and raised in India. I know I need a visa in advance of leaving (gathered that much from the US State Dept website) but which kind? And: what else should I know?
September 9, 2013
First time in India, looking for decent hotel for arrival in Pahar Ganj
I'm a first-time traveler to India and am looking for recommendations for a clean hotel with western fixtures in the Pahar Ganj neighbourhood in New Delhi. I don't want to spend *too* much (30ish CAD/night) but would like some western amenities for my first few days in the country. The hotel would be for this weekend. Any experiences/ideas?
May 22, 2012
Cheap, safe and in New Delhi- any ideas
Where can a single woman stay in Delhi for a few days that's both cheap and safe? [more inside]
December 3, 2011
Medical help in Delhi
Suggestions for help finding medical attention/doctor in Delhi? [more inside]
September 25, 2011
Delhi Filter - tips for researcher headed to India
Delhi Filter: Help a PHD with her upcoming long research trip to New Dehli - Housing, and general tips on life and work in Dehli. [more inside]
June 12, 2011
Buying a pre-paid cell phone in Delhi, India
My wife is traveling to India later this month. She'll be in the mountains, where there are few landlines, but from her experience last time there is sufficient (if spotty) cell phone service. Wikitravel says: "Fully loaded prepaid starter kits are available for around Rs. 500 or less" (plus more details). Does anyone have experience buying a pre-paid mobile phone like this in India? Can she do it at the Delhi airport? Is it a hassle, or is it worth it?
January 7, 2011
Accommodation in Delhi
I'm looking for accommodation for 2-3 months in Delhi. [more inside]
September 29, 2010
Overnight extended layover in Delhi?
We're going to be hiking to Everest Base Camp and right now we're trying to figure out the logistics of our very long commute. We're traveling to Nepal from the US, and will be landing in Delhi on October 9th around 9 PM. Our flight to Kathmandu leaves the next day at at 3 PM. Is it safe and/or reasonable to stay the night in the Delhi airport? Or would it be easier to book a hotel or homestay in the area? [more inside]
July 18, 2010
Wha't s a girl to do in/around Delhi on very short notice business trip with very few days to explore?
Going to Delhi to work in our local office for three weeks this coming Saturday...I'll have to work for most of the trip but there will be one normal and one/two long weekends before I go back home - so where's a girl to go to explore on her days off? [more inside]
February 4, 2009
With Kids in India
Four kids moving to Delhi and needing two weeks entertainment there. Kids are 2, 4, 8 & 10. The 4yo is a boy, other 3 girls. How to entertain them (as non-parent traveling companion) for two weeks in India while kids' parents are getting jobs etc. sorted out? What to bring from London? There won't be much travel except the Heathrow-Delhi flight. Ideas appreciated please!
April 26, 2008
Nice Delhi hotel for an India travelNoob?
India first-timer seeking general suggestions and recomendations for first few night's lodging in Delhi. [more inside]
December 18, 2007
Availability of B&W photographic film and processing services in New Delhi
A few questions about the availability of B&W photographic film and processing services in New Delhi, India [more inside]