Availability of B&W photographic film and processing services in New Delhi
December 18, 2007 4:12 PM   Subscribe

A few questions about the availability of B&W photographic film and processing services in New Delhi, India

Could Knowledgeable Folks please recommend to me a good photo lab (or a few) in New Delhi?

I am primarily interested in shooting Fuji Neopan 100, Ilford HP5+ and Ilford Delta 3200, all for 35mm.

Are these films commonly available in New Delhi? If so, how do their prices compare to typical prices in the US (about $4.50 - $6 per 36 exposure roll, depending on the film)?

Also, what have your experiences been with the processing of these films?

Thank you!
posted by hellhammer to Travel & Transportation around New Delhi, India (3 answers total)
I would recommend MAHATTA & CO., located in Connaught Place. They have been around forever and are one of the best known names in the city for processing services. Definitely not the cheapest, though. For the other specifics, you could email them and find out.
posted by sk381 at 4:27 PM on December 18, 2007

Response by poster: Thanks, sk381. I'll definitely check them out.
posted by hellhammer at 5:11 PM on December 19, 2007

If you do find film check the expiry date on it and also check that the box isn't feaded as this could indicate it has been sitting in the sun, and therefore heat for a while.
posted by MrC at 9:57 PM on December 19, 2007

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