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Questions About Vienna, Austria
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July 9, 2012

Food Fun in Vienna and Berlin!

What foods do I need to try in Vienna and Berlin? Are there any foods I should try to bring back? [more inside]
posted by Turkey Glue around Vienna, Austria at 7:24 PM - 25 answers

May 9, 2012

Need a place to stay in Vienna and things to do.

Hotel and other quick recommendations for Vienna? [more inside]
posted by xicana63 around Vienna, Austria at 5:46 AM - 4 answers

April 21, 2012

how to get a shower at Vienna Airport?

Can I get a shower on arrival at Vienna International Airport? [more inside]
posted by procrastinator_general around Vienna, Austria at 7:50 PM - 5 answers has best

October 12, 2011

Sweets and treats in Vienna!

Looking for recommendations of bakeries, cafes, konditorei, restaurants, etc with AMAZING sweets and pastries in Vienna. Am looking to avoid touristy places like Demel. Bonus points for places (regardless of sweet offerings) with views, like Cafe Urania. [more inside]
posted by cranberryskies around Vienna, Austria at 6:42 PM - 9 answers

December 15, 2009

New Year's celebrations in McDonalds?

Where will we be able to eat dinner in Vienna on 31 December without pre-booking? [more inside]
posted by aqsakal around Vienna, Austria at 2:54 PM - 3 answers

September 20, 2008

What should I do in Vienna?

I'm going to be in Vienna from September 26 (early morning) - 29 (afternoon). I'm 18 years old and will be traveling with friends. What should we do/ see? I've been put in charge of figuring all this out, but apart from the obvious tourist things I don't know what's good. I guess I'm looking for more off-the-beaten-path stuff. Thank you! [more inside]
posted by howgenerica around Vienna, Austria at 4:41 PM - 10 answers

May 12, 2008

What to do on a Vienna afternoon?

I have one free afternoon in Vienna - how should I spend it? [more inside]
posted by lindsey.nicole around Vienna, Austria at 10:06 AM - 12 answers

April 26, 2007

Post-marathon sightseeing in Vienna

I'm spending the weekend in Vienna, running the marathon on Sunday. I've Monday free to look around the city - what would you recommend as a 'must see' for a weary, footsore sighteer?
posted by poissonrouge around Vienna, Austria at 1:34 AM - 6 answers

March 1, 2007

What do I need to know for 1-week trip to Vienna, Austria?

I'm visiting Vienna for spring break (And London for a day). What should I know? [more inside]
posted by sirion around Vienna, Austria at 5:08 PM - 18 answers

August 20, 2006

finding one month of housing in Vienna

Short-term housing in Vienna: Where should I be looking to find cheap yet private (non-roommate) housing for just the month of November? I've tried Craigslist, all the housing sites I can find via Google, all the Youth Houses, and more. I'm fine with German-language sites. [more inside]
posted by allterrainbrain around Vienna, Austria at 2:27 PM - 1 answer

August 1, 2005

Oh, Vienna ...

Things to see and do in Vienna? I'll have a couple of days to look around in mid-September. I'm buying a guide book, but does anyone have any personal must-see recommendations for weird museums, cool modern architecture, that perfect coffee shop? I'll be staying near Karlsplatz/Wiedner Hauptstrasse. I've never been to Vienna before. Thanks!
posted by carter around Vienna, Austria at 9:32 AM - 17 answers has best

August 8, 2004

Hotels in Vienna

Suggested hotels in Vienna, Austria? Must be in the Ring, possibly hip/funky, not more than 125 euros/night. Prefer character over blandness, but definitely not looking for a hostel sort of experience.
posted by warhol around Vienna, Austria at 11:25 PM - 3 answers