Online distribution strategies
October 15, 2007 12:34 PM   Subscribe

What are some of the latest, smartest and/or cost-effective online distribution strategies a small record label should pursue?

A small record label is looking to distribute their music online for the first time; the music itself consists of lesser known, but established artists from the 60's and 70's in the funk/soul genre. It's time to make a handful of albums available online, in conjunction with their release on CD and vinyl.

Are big name, one-stop aggregators like CDbaby still the way to go in terms of online distribution? Or are there better deals, or better strategies, out there? What are some tips to get the word out? For example, how hard is it to get a "free download" deal, combined with front page exposure, with iTunes? Is it worth setting up an independent e-commerce site for downloading music? I mean, do people buy that way? Along these lines, what do you think the future of online distribution will be?
posted by phaedon to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I'm pretty sure some distributors like The Orchard will include digital distribution alongside physical distribution (and much of their stuff is available on emusic).
posted by drezdn at 12:48 PM on October 15, 2007

They will help put your music on itunes and the other digital download sites, and as well as sell all your hard goods, from t-shirts, CDs, DVD, mugs, etc.
posted by JamesMCS at 2:41 PM on October 15, 2007

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