How do I make Airport Extreme play nicely with Azureus?
March 2, 2007 11:27 PM   Subscribe

How do I make Airport Extreme play nicely with Azureus?

I just picked up the latest Airport Extreme 802.11n, switching from Linksys' Wireless-G routers. I'm having a problem with downloading torrents using Azureus. After a few minutes, the router light turns amber colored (solid), my Internet connection is severed, and then it restores itself. This has only happened with Azureus.

What settings do I need to input, and where, in the Airport Utility app? My normal Azurues ports for TCP/UDP are 65534, tho I'm flexible on port numbers.

OS's are OS X and Win XP SP2, although I'm pretty much using Az on XP.
posted by missed to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: I might want to mention that the drive I was trying to download to is connected to the Airport Extreme box, if that's of any use.
posted by missed at 11:41 PM on March 2, 2007

Since you mentioned it, have you tried DLing to a local drive, rather than the one connected to the airport in order to eliminate the possibility that a bug related to disk IO is part of the problem.

You should also look into limiting the number of simultaneous connections Az will open.
posted by Good Brain at 11:46 PM on March 2, 2007

I encounter similar problems with an older Airport Extreme (the last UFO version.)

In my case, it goes cable modem -> AE -> Mac, and the AE does NAT on top of all the wireless services.

From what I can tell, the more simultaneous inbound/outbound connections, the more likely it is that the Airport Extreme fails. So try what Good Brain suggests, and limit the number of connections.
posted by NucleophilicAttack at 7:09 AM on March 3, 2007

Best answer: You might want to try enabling NAT-PMP for Azureus and the new Airport Extreme, although i don't know how well this will work in a mixed os environment.

Here's how to do it for Azureus.

On your mac, open the "Airport Utility" app (probably in your Applications/Utilities folder), select your base sation, and choose the "Base Station->Manual Setup" menu option. Click the "Internet" icon at the top, then select the "NAT" screen. Make sure that "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" is checked.

You shouldn't need to open any ports specifically; this is how i have configured my new Airport Extreme+old powerbook and Azureus is working great. If you're still having trouble with occasionally severed internet connections, i would think the problem lies elsewhere. On a purely anecdotal note, i might suggest you not use any Airport Disk mounted volumes to save your Azureus downloads to - i've found that the Airport Disk functionality tends to go off into lalaland if you ask too much of it. I'm using Airport Disk to host my iTunes library with limited success. It works, but only as long as i'm not doing too much multitasking.
posted by the painkiller at 7:40 AM on March 3, 2007

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