NYC hospital rec (just in case)
December 1, 2024 7:29 AM   Subscribe

Planning a babymoon girls trip in early January for my pregnant 30 y.o. daughter, myself, and my 81 y.o. mom. We're all in good health, but I like to be mentally prepared in case of an emergency. If any of us needs to go to a hospital, which one should we go to / ask to be taken to?

We're staying in Midtown and will spend most of our time there except for a visit to the Tenement Museum on the LES. Daughter will be ~28 weeks along with no complications to this point. All of us have decent-to-good health insurance. Thanks for helping me manage my worry gremlin!
posted by Sweetie Darling to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (3 answers total)
Best answer: A said Mt. Sinai West was good when we used it 14 years ago. Still good as far as I know.

NYU, which is now called Tisch apparently, is another option on the east side in the 30s.
posted by Liquidwolf at 9:16 AM on December 1, 2024

Best answer: At 28 weeks, I’d want to know where the Level IV NICUs are, as they will be best prepared to handle a preterm birth. It looks like both of the hospitals referenced above qualify; here’s a list for your reference if you venture further afield.
posted by moosetracks at 11:02 AM on December 1, 2024 [1 favorite]

We delivered our older daughter at NYU in 2012 and it was... fine. The facilities were okay, the staff was okay, but it wasn't nice. We (accidentally) delivered our younger daughter four years later in the back of our Honda Fit and then went to a satellite hospital of a regional medical center in Jacksonville, Florida and it was better in every way than NYU. Room was nicer, staff was kinder, hospital vibe was more loving, just an all-around superior experience for everyone involved.

As an alum of both the College of Arts and Sciences and the law school it pains me to say this but... NYU kinda sucks.
posted by saladin at 4:10 PM on December 1, 2024 [1 favorite]

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