low energy pick-me ups
June 27, 2024 5:46 AM   Subscribe

My beloved is having a low-energy type of day. What can be a good way to cheer him up? Memes to send? Message suggestions? Something sweet to make him smile? What are ways that I can be there for him?

There's just some disappointments and things falling through for him today, plus an encounter with an ex that brought up not-so-good memories, small inconveniences like a credit card purchase being declined, etc. I guess it's the small things adding up that just makes him feel defeated. And he said to top it all off he wants to hold me, and I'm so far (we're in a long-distance relationship).

He's normally the more optimistic and positive person between the two of us, and so it makes me feel it's now my time to take care of him.

Any suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance.
posted by benimaru to Human Relations (9 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I feel very strongly that this is the most perfect video on the entire internet. It may not fit the vibe of this specific situation but it might help.
posted by phunniemee at 5:49 AM on June 27 [6 favorites]

Is he in a city that has doordash or similar? When you know he'll be home, order some ice cream, or a cake, or a favorite meal to be delivered to his home.

When you see the delivery is about to arrive, video call; be dressed your best, have a couple of candles lit, and for an extra touch, have the same thing you ordered for him at your table. Long distance intimate dinner. :)
posted by Silvery Fish at 6:01 AM on June 27 [3 favorites]

I once sent a friend who was going through a rough patch a hundred dollars worth of candy* using instacart. Not like fancy candy just like literally nerds and fuzzy peaches and sour patch kids and swedish berries from the drugstore. And a case of sugary drink and a trashy magazine. She was very happy. And it's not just about the candy, right? I mean she had $100. She could buy a basket full of candy. It's about the joy of someone ringing your doorbell and there's a bunch of candy on your porch and you don't have to feel irresponsible for buying $100 worth of candy because you didn't. And it's a surprise!! YAY! Candy!

* I don't know where you are, but grocery prices are insane here and this is not nearly as much candy as one would imagine as a child. It's basically one package of each "oohh..those are good" thing at the drugstore.
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 6:22 AM on June 27 [5 favorites]

> phunniemee, i respectfully submit a different video (thanks EmpressCallipygos)
posted by HearHere at 6:29 AM on June 27 [10 favorites]

Inspired by him wanting to hold you… same day delivery stuffed animal, via TaskRabbit or maybe Amazon etc. if they deliver same day where he lives?
posted by MadamM at 10:12 AM on June 27

Long distance, you say? You might like the cartoons from Choco and Pancake who represent two people in an LDR. You might find some funny and relatable experiences there, I sure did. https://www.instagram.com/chocoandpancake/?hl=en
posted by foxjacket at 10:16 AM on June 27

This is pretty individual. I don't tend to experience cute/funny memes/videos as especially meaningful when I'm going through it; when I'm feeling low often what I most need is companionship, even if I don't want to or don't have it in me to do a lot of talking about whatever's getting me down. What about calling him tonight and just letting him lie down while you read to him? It can take a little doing to find the right reading material but I think this is such a lovely act of care and receiving it has made me feel really loved in the past.
posted by wormtales at 11:12 AM on June 27 [4 favorites]

It's hard to say without knowing him better. If it were me having that kind of day, I'd want to complain to you on the phone for a bit, then (if overwhelmed/exhausted) order me my favourite delivery meal, or (if restless/frustrated/bored) treat me to a snack I like that's a nice walk from my place or a GC to a grocery store I like so I can go hog wild guilt free.

You could watch a favourite show or play a game together if he's up for it afterwards, or do some kind of phone/zoom/sexting thing if you're into that. For me, it would help to recommend I do things that would make me feel better (epsom salt bath, for example) and remind me of times that they've worked because when I get into that state it can sometimes feel like nothing would help.
posted by wheatlets at 1:30 PM on June 27

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