Grape candy search
May 26, 2024 10:58 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for this Japanese candy (rear view). Does anyone know of an online seller that offers it and has it in stock? (Online sellers I have found through search engines like Google do not have it in stock.) Thanks!
posted by They sucked his brains out! to Food & Drink (2 answers total)
It appeared on the manufacturer's product listing page as of September 2022, and it's not there now, so I'd wager that it's been discontinued. It looks like this peach variant is the current replacement. I also found references to strawberry and yuzu flavors that existed at various points in time and are no longer advertised, so this unfortunately seems to be par for the course.
posted by teraflop at 11:23 PM on May 26 [1 favorite]

^I also think it's discontinued. Other Lion Japan grape candy: a (green) grape hard candy with vitamins, a purple grape gummy, and a color-changing "Fortune" grape-flavored candy. Also pear and strawberry, that yuzu, and apple-with-honey-center "throat lozenges."
posted by Iris Gambol at 1:43 AM on May 27

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