Anybody used a OnePlus phone?
December 24, 2023 4:21 PM   Subscribe

I'm thinking about buying a (refurbished, always) OnePlus 7T. It looks really nice, but does it do well on a day-to-day basis? Anybody have experience with it?
posted by amtho to Technology (8 answers total)
I bought a used OnePlus 6 two years ago on Swappa. It has been my daily driver since. Although I couldn't speak to the condition or wear of your proposed 7T, here's been my experience:

- I put LineageOS on there, and it has worked well with versions 19 and 20 (which is Android 13). The response is snappy. It's always felt like a new phone.
- Long battery life. I can usually make it through two days of moderate use before needing a charge.
- Call and mobile data signal strength are always great
- Camera works well enough for basic photos
- I have 128 Gb total space, and haven't filled more than half of that. Keep in mind that I don't take many photos. But I do listen to a lot of podcasts, which I do download the episodes of.
- My model doesn't have an SD Card slot. It relies on the large internal storage to fit the user's needs. So be sure to check the 7T specs if this is a concern.
- I think the size of the screen is acceptable if you're looking for something moderately-sized. I actually would prefer a smaller screen, since my previous phone was maybe 3/4 the size of this one, but I have adapted and the OnePlus 6 has been fine for carring in my pocket daily and even for toting in a bicycle frame bag.

I don't have any complaints other than a nitpick about screen size.
posted by mr_bovis at 5:49 PM on December 24, 2023 [1 favorite]

I have owned a OnePlus 6 and a OnePlus 8 (my current phone). I love the brand and will have one until they stop producing them.
posted by cooker girl at 6:07 PM on December 24, 2023

Im pleased enough with it would have liked SD though. It is however the absolute slippiest thing I have ever encountered. I drop it, lose it from a pocket, or it slides off a flat surface multiple times a day. Never dropped a phone in my life before this.
posted by Iteki at 6:13 PM on December 24, 2023

Response by poster: Hi Iteki - I have that problem with a lot of phones. I'm considering this very traction-y-looking case.
posted by amtho at 6:55 PM on December 24, 2023

I had a OnePlus 7 Pro that lasted me several years. At some point I started having audio problems where people couldn't hear me on calls if I used the main mic. It worked in speaker phone mode, but I couldn't figure out how to fix it, so I upgraded to a different brand. It was a solid and very capable phone up until that point though.
posted by willnot at 8:57 PM on December 24, 2023

I've had my OnePlus 8T for the last 2 and a half years and a OnePlus 3T for 5 years before that. No complaints from me at all! It does what I need it to do on a daily basis. I tend to drop my phone a lot, and the phones haven't been any worse for the wear.

The 3T was chugging along great until I went kayaking and found out the hard way my dry bag had a hole in it. It'd survived multiple rainstorms before that, but understandably did not survive being submerged all day...
posted by astapasta24 at 9:47 PM on December 24, 2023

I liked my OP5, only ditched it because AT&T said it "wasn't" compatible with their VoLTE, even thought it technically was, it just wasn't certified by them. I made the mistake of accepting their free "replacement" which was a POS. They then blacklisted OP5 so it wouldn't go on their network at all.

I probably would have got an updated OnePlus phone if AT&T hadn't had a deal to trade in any Samsung for a Galaxy S22 last year.

I agree on the slippery-ness of it, I had an OtterBox Commuter case that worked really well to protect from drops. and made it easier to hold on to.

get a USB socket plug if you plan on keeping it in your pocket so the charge port doesn't fill up with compacted lint. The 5 didn't have wireless charging at all, and didn't support what is now "standard" quick charging, only supporting their proprietary method. I understand this is different with the newer ones, but is something to look out for.
posted by ArgentCorvid at 7:15 AM on December 27, 2023

I had a OnePlus 7T for 3 years and I loved it. Fast, great battery life, decent pictures, and enough storage space. I had a Tudia brand case for it, since I'm not graceful or wealthy enough to not have my phone protected by a case. I upgraded to the OnePlus 11 for a sort of silly reason-- the 7T was having Bluetooth issues that I couldn't sort (didn't try very hard) and there was a good promotion on the newer model, which is also a great phone and available in a gorgeous shade of green.
posted by danielleh at 8:41 PM on December 27, 2023

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