Prizes, plaudits or freebies for reaching your 50th wedding anniversary?
November 1, 2023 2:21 PM   Subscribe

I know a couple who will reach their 50th wedding anniversary soon. Wikipedia says "In some parts of the world, couples can receive special recognition from government officials for particular milestones" and notes the US, where they live, offers a White House greeting, but it's pretty meaningless since it's offered for all types of events. Am I missing out on any other opportunities?
posted by Borborygmus to Society & Culture (7 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Those married in the Catholic tradition can receive a Papal Blessing via the process at There's an online option for those who can't stop by the parchment offices to make the request in person.
posted by beaning at 3:16 PM on November 1, 2023 [4 favorites]

Would it be meaningful for them to get recognition by the municipal or state government? I feel like I see birthday and maybe anniversary recognitions show up on my mayor's instagram from time to time. I don't think the honorees get anything special besides a photo op with the mayor, but if something like that that appeals it wouldn't hurt to call the mayor's office (or other municipal office) and ask.
posted by mskyle at 3:30 PM on November 1, 2023

We printed up a faux 'WANTED (for bein' hitched for 50 years)' poster for one of my grandparents' 50th anniversary party.

It was Western themed.

(The other set was married on the eve of WWII, so it was an interwar nightclub theme and we reprinted the GERMANY INVADES POLAND front page. :| )
posted by snuffleupagus at 4:17 PM on November 1, 2023

In the US you can also request a flag that has been flown over the Capitol on a specific date. You’d have to request through their Rep or Senator.
posted by atlantica at 12:39 AM on November 2, 2023

Even though the White House greeting is offered for many things, I would imagine it would say 'congratulations on your 50th anniversary' or something, right? So, it might be meaningful for the couple anyway (unless their politics don't line up with whoever is in the White House when the anniversary occurs, of course)
posted by TimHare at 11:13 AM on November 2, 2023

Yeah, the White House greetings are offered for a variety of things, but they're fairly special - like I think birthday greetings are limited to folks who are 80 years old or older.

I arranged for White House birthday greetings for someone who was actually really really touched to get them, so depending on the couple (and their feelings about the current president), it might be really nice. I simultaneously requested greetings from all of this person's reps, from senators down to the local mayor, and it was, again, really touching for this person. So if they're fans of their reps, I would encourage you to contact the reps soon and ask. (I supplied some details - this person had been in the army, some of what they had done in their life - and some of the reps included that in their greetings.)

They can ALSO get congratulations from internet strangers - so, from this internet stranger, my warm congratulations to your friends on a wonderful milestone, and my best wishes for many more years of happiness together!
posted by kristi at 12:49 PM on November 2, 2023

Cameo lists celebrities, musicians, and athletes who who will do personalized messaging. I think this started out during COVID and actually became popular enough to last. Jamie Farr, William Daniels, Randy Travis, Patrick Page are a few of the names I recognized in the first few of 130 pages of actors.
posted by beaning at 1:12 PM on November 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

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