Do your magic, AskMe! Alligators and not mustaches edition
August 1, 2023 2:34 AM   Subscribe

Woot used to have an animated music video on its site called "An Alligator Cannot Grow a Mustache", it's been....a number of years ago. Possibly as much as 10. Before Covid that's for sure. It's not on their site anymore and we can't find it anywhere, we don't have the old URL for it either. Can you amazing searchers find anything? It was an earworm for us :) Thanks!
posted by Rufous-headed Towhee heehee to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
The Woot forums have always seemed extremely, not to say disturbingly, active... maybe you could ask there?
posted by staggernation at 7:04 AM on August 1, 2023 [1 favorite]

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