Why can’t you use lamellar water on your roots / hair close to scalp?
May 22, 2023 10:21 AM   Subscribe

I recently started using L’Oreal’s lamellar water (Elvive 8 Second Wonder Water) on my hair and it works wonders. The bottle says to use on “lengths only,” which I just now noticed (d’oh). What happens if you use it on your roots / near your scalp?

Unfortunately it works great for my fluffy bangs, so I’m sad to see that I have to stop using it there. Would love to know what harms I’ve been unintentionally doing to myself… but it’s weirdly hard to find an answer.
posted by stoneandstar to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I don't think anything bad is going to happen. I think they recommend using it on lengths vs your scalp, because your hair might end up greasier and more oily if you use it close to your scalp with your natural oils + the product.
posted by VirginiaPlain at 10:28 AM on May 22, 2023 [4 favorites]

Best answer: As far as I can understand from my own research into this, there are two main issues with using lamellar water on your scalp: scalp sensitivity (irritation/inflammation) and prone to buildup. Unless you can get more scientific responses than I’ve been able to cobble together, I say don’t worry about it if you haven’t experienced either sensitivity or buildup
posted by ttyn at 10:30 AM on May 22, 2023

I looked up the ingredients and found it contains Coumarin. The information I found indicated that Coumarin is something that used to be added to food but is now banned because it can cause liver damage. It’s also used as a cancer treatment and as an anticoagulant. So my guess is that they warn you against using it near your scalp because it could theoretically be absorbed into your skin and cause problems, and they don’t want to be sued.
posted by MexicanYenta at 5:04 PM on May 22, 2023

Best answer: It's likely that it's because it'll make your hair closer to the scalp too "soft" and appear weighed-down. So, it'll look "flat". I've used that one in the past and more recently bought something similar by Kerastase (honestly no difference, and the L'oreal one is much better priced) and my stylist warned me not to use it too close to my roots for this reason.
posted by mireille at 9:19 PM on May 22, 2023

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