Should I brush my hair?
July 9, 2010 11:56 AM   Subscribe

Is brushing your hair actually better for it than not brushing it?

Ever since my first incidence with Alopecia Areata, I've been hesitant to brush my hair (even gently) for fear of loosing more of it. However, I'm wondering if brushing my hair is actually better for it than not.
posted by blithecatpie to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
What kind of hair do you have? It totally depends. Brushing curly or wavy hair = bad.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 12:01 PM on July 9, 2010

Response by poster: I have fine hair.
posted by blithecatpie at 12:02 PM on July 9, 2010

If you're worried about hair loss, then brushing it might make it worse. The problem is, not brushing your hair causes matting, which also rips your hair out-more painfully, at that. The best solution to this would be to get a detangler shampoo/product. Use that and brush your hair when it's wet, and there shouldn't be any bad tugging, at least not enough to rip your hair out.
posted by shesaysgo at 12:25 PM on July 9, 2010

For fine hair, I think a wide-toothed comb when wet (post-detangler) would probably be better than a regular hairbrush.

posted by elizardbits at 12:28 PM on July 9, 2010

Best answer: Never brush hair of any kind (especially fine, breakable hair) when it's wet. Use a wide-toothed comb. For fine, straightish hair, brushing will distribute oils throughout your hair (which is good), and using a boar bristle brush is especially good. Those brushes with the stiff plastic thingies that feel like they're getting the tangles out better? Those are the ones that cause lots of breakage and split ends. I'm not sure how much brushing per day is too much, though. I suspect it depends on your hair.
posted by wending my way at 12:34 PM on July 9, 2010 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Oops, I should mention that I have fine AND straight hair. Thanks for the comments so far, everyone!
posted by blithecatpie at 12:51 PM on July 9, 2010

Best answer: I have fine, straight hair as well. A few recommendations:

Use a good conditioner, our hair is really tangly and if you don't you can cause some serious damage. (If you have oily hair like I do, only wash the parts that touch your scalp, rinse, and then condition the rest. If you don't have oily hair, you can wet down your hair every day in the shower, but don't shampoo it more than every other day.) If possible, let your hair air dry before brushing. Bonus, this can give your hair more body too. That's not always possible though, so if you have to brush your hair wet start brushing the bottom third of it before you brush down from the roots. Starting at the top only makes tangles worse.
posted by Kimberly at 1:11 PM on July 9, 2010

People used to wash their hair much less frequently than we do now. Frequent brushing would distribute the oils in the hair. That's probably where the idea that brushing your hair is good for it started. Generally speaking, if you're washing your hair frequently, you should only comb your hair as little as you can get away with. Brushing can irritate your scalp and cause your hair to break or pull out.

I have fine, straight hair that doesn't tangle that easily. Since it's also never longer than shoulder length, simply running a wide-toothed comb through it is enough to keep it tangle-free.

I do have to wash my hair every day, because otherwise it simply looks awful. Regular conditioners, even those for "fine" hair, leave it flat, but it's a little too dry if I don't use any conditioner at all. I've had really good results from a couple of Garnier's leave-in "conditioning glazes" or oils, though. Makes the hair much less likely to break and doesn't weigh it down much.

Results are really going to vary depending on your hair type, though.
posted by Kutsuwamushi at 11:31 AM on July 10, 2010

I have fine, straight hair and NEVER brush my hair. I air dry it and have never had problems, although I have had issues of shedding throughout my life. I do not have any split ends either. What I do use, and which I have noticed has made a huge difference, is Coconut Milk Shampoo. Not only does it smell great, but I have noticed that my hair feels thicker and have noticed that it gets even less tangled, which defeats any need of brushing. The bottle is white and goes for about $5-7 @ Target.
posted by penguingrl at 3:12 AM on July 11, 2010

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