How do I fix this Apple billing problem?
January 1, 2023 6:14 AM   Subscribe

I have a new debit card and I’d like to update it on my Apple account. The old card has been cancelled so my subscriptions are requesting updated info. However, Apple won’t let me get rid of the old card because my subscriptions are tied to it. How do I fix this?

I’ve tried cancelling the subscriptions but it still says they are tied to the old card until the end of the subscription period (in some cases until the end of this month). Meanwhile, the companies to which I subscribe have blocked me from access as they don’t have updated payment info, so I am losing subscriber benefits, locked in rates, etc. How do I resolve this?
posted by stillmoving to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Can you add the new card first, then switch over the subscriptions to the new card?
posted by mskyle at 6:28 AM on January 1, 2023

Response by poster: Won’t threads it, but: no, I’ve already done that. The new card is on my payment list, but it won’t let me erase the old one because of the linked subscriptions.
posted by stillmoving at 6:51 AM on January 1, 2023

Best answer: Are you trying to update on your phone? When my credit card expired, the only way I was able to update it successfully was by logging in via on my laptop. For some reason the payment screen in the app store on my phone wouldn't let me do it either.
posted by cgg at 9:24 AM on January 1, 2023 [2 favorites]

Where is Apple telling you that the subscriptions are tied to your old card? The point of the Apple account is that it doesn’t matter what payment method you use; a subscription charges the Apple account, and the Apple account charges whatever method you have setup on it (specifically the first one on the list if you have multiple methods).

Assuming this is an iPhone or iPad, go into the App Store app, then tap on your user icon in the upper right. Tap on your name (not Subscriptions). It will probably request your Apple ID password. Then tap on Manage Payments.

Here you should see at least two things: Apple ID, which will show your credit balance if you have one, and your old card. At the bottom you can add a new payment method. Once you’ve added the new card, tap Edit at the upper right and you should be able to reorder the cards such that your new card is at the top. (You may have to tap Done to return to the prior screen and then Manage Payments again to get the Edit button to show up after adding a new card.)

Once the new card is present, it should let you remove the old method. Even if it doesn’t, as long as the new method is on the list, it should charge it since the old method can’t be charged. It may not happen instantly, but it should within a day or two.

If it still doesn’t work then, you’ll need to contact Apple directly as there is something else going on.
posted by tubedogg at 3:56 PM on January 1, 2023

Response by poster: @cgg had the answer! Seems very silly of Apple not to have this capability on the phone, but was able to update from my computer directly. Thank you!
posted by stillmoving at 12:18 AM on January 2, 2023

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