Can you identify this numeral font?
October 27, 2022 6:25 PM   Subscribe

Can you help me find the name of this number font?

Font experts of AskMeFi - I desperately need to find the font name for the '2' and '3' in this photo.

The '2' is somewhat reminiscent of Times New Roman but the '2' in the example photo seems overall slightly thinner, has a longer "base", and the bottom serif/uptick is more vertical.

The '3' is maaaaaybe sorta-kinda but not really Garamond-y but the '3' in the example photo seems overall just slightly thinner, has a flatter, less-rounded base, and has a sharp, vertical serif/uptick on the bottom.

Can you help identify this font? I really appreciate your help! Thank you.
posted by karizma to Media & Arts (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Looks like Goudy Old Style to me. Edited to add... except that the three is missing the small serif.
posted by hydra77 at 6:32 PM on October 27, 2022

This also looks quite close, if maybe a tad too narrow?
posted by hydra77 at 6:41 PM on October 27, 2022

What is this from or on? My guess is that it's hand drawn and not an actual font. Look at the upstroke on the base of the 2s. They're not the same on each one. And the bottom of the first one has a rounded front while the same spot on the second 2 is sharper.
posted by jonathanhughes at 6:59 PM on October 27, 2022 [4 favorites]

I think it is Trajan
posted by blacktshirtandjeans at 7:30 PM on October 27, 2022 [2 favorites]

The "thin" weight of IvyPresto here is a fairly close match, at least in terms of line thickness and having serifs in the right places.

But to echo johnathanhughes, the slight imperfections in your sample image make me suspect that the numbers were entirely hand-lettered — or, perhaps, they were based on an actual font, but the more distinctive features such as the sharp vertical serifs were modified by hand.
posted by mekily at 7:31 PM on October 27, 2022 [1 favorite]

Is this a case for What the Font?
posted by rip at 10:01 PM on October 27, 2022

Seconding Trajan.
posted by bink at 11:14 PM on October 27, 2022

> What is this from or on? My guess is that it's hand drawn and not an actual font.

Looks like a low-res photo of a tattoo.
posted by sebastienbailard at 12:40 AM on October 28, 2022

(It’s not Trajan, at least not exactly — Trajan has serifs at the top of the 2 and 3, which OP’s image doesn’t. But if you were to remove those serifs by hand, it’s otherwise a decent match.)
posted by mekily at 5:30 AM on October 28, 2022

Arno comes close as well, it has the oblique serifs. The 3 descends past the baseline on some versions but not on others. The upper part of the 3 in the tattoo looks distorted so I wouldn’t go by that.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 1:55 PM on October 28, 2022

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