How bad is recovery from hernia surgery?
October 20, 2021 9:11 PM   Subscribe

I’m having surgery in a few weeks to repair an inguinal hernia and I’m worried about how bad the recovery will be. Would love to hear from others who had the procedure done - how painful were the first few days and how much were you about to move around? I know YMMV but even anecdotal info will help me know what to expect.

My last surgery was awful - my appendix burst, I had peritonitis, and I went into surgery within a few hours after arriving at the ER. My next few days were really difficult. My hernia (which I didn’t know I had until then) was painful, I had a lot of swelling, and I was in the hospital for a week. I was in the hospital for nearly a week, and also on strong painkillers that made me feel loopy and miserable. It was at least 3-4 weeks until I was able to do normal physical stuff without pain.

The hernia procedure will be outpatient and I don’t have any other complications now, so I’m sure it’ll be easier, but I’m still worried about it.

Additional info: I don’t know if I’m having it done open or laparoscopically yet (due to possible scarring from peritonitis). I’m 50 years old, 275 lbs.

posted by kdern to Health & Fitness (6 answers total)
I think this must vary a lot but I was told I’d be up and about in a week or two, whereas it was probably a couple months before I was pretty mobile and I had some pain for at least a few weeks. I’m a woman with a slim build and not a super strong body though.
posted by cultureclash82 at 10:21 PM on October 20, 2021

I had laparascopic surgery. I will be honest with you and tell you that I was pretty immobilized for a few days after. I was on painkillers and going from a lying to seating position was extremely painful. It was about a week before I could stand and walk a bit and a couple weeks before I could hobble around. Full recovery took maybe a month or so. This is for a man, in his early 40's and in good overall health.
posted by vacapinta at 1:57 AM on October 21, 2021

I wasn't laid up for long, I think I was back at work inside a week, and my pain wasn't bad, so I only needed painkillers for a couple of days. Mine was laparoscopic outpatient.

I was 46 and in pretty good athletic shape, strong core, etc.
posted by Gorgik at 5:46 AM on October 21, 2021

Had outpatient open hernia repair for an inguinal hernia a few years ago. My experience was a lot closer to vacapinta's and cultureclash82's than to Gorgik's. I'd been told I was in such good shape that everything would be essentially back to normal after two weeks, but it wasn't even close to that: two weeks was just the point at which I could start (barely) moving around again.

Things were much nearer normal after 1 month, but I'd say the surgery was still causing noticeable problems in everyday life for about two months. It also created new problems that hurt just as much as the original hernia, which lasted for about 9 months and are occasionally brief, minor problems even still, nearly 4 years later. (You should MeMail for specifics.)

Also I'd gotten a nerve block (I think that's the term) because they said that it would reduce the need for narcotics after the surgery. I have no way to compare the experience with and without the block, since I only got the surgery once, but if I had it to do over again, I'd refuse the nerve block, because there was significant pain in the general area of the injection site for over a month afterward, and sometimes, especially toward the end, that pain was worse than the pain from the actual incision.
posted by Spathe Cadet at 8:06 AM on October 21, 2021

I had laparascopic surgery to repair a femoral hernia a little over a year ago, and the recovery time was minimal (maybe a day or two in bed) with manageable discomfort. I was 47 and in general good health. The hernia that was repaired had been noticeable for less than a year and hadn’t caused pain beforehand. Wishing you good luck and quick and complete healing.
posted by dreamphone at 12:21 PM on October 21, 2021

I was the nursemaid when my partner had surgery and probably remember it better than him. Mid-40s, outpatient laparoscopic but it was a big tear (didn’t know til they got in there). The surgeon told me he was okay and to go get lunch. I walked a few blocks for a hotdog and by the time I got back he wanted to see me and wanted to go home. After the surgery we took a cab home and he walked up to a 3rd floor apartment by himself with no problem (that was the anesthesia still in full force). He felt so invincible that he refused to take painkillers. Once that wore off though the pain was bad and doctors recommended taking the painkillers before the big guns wear off — follow this advice if you’re given it! Waiting for the pills to kick in was pretty bad.

He was walking that day about 15 feet to the bathroom, etc. He once passed out on me and I had to guide him to the bathroom whenever he wanted to go (might have been for mental support or maybe because the drugs made him loopy). He didn’t take the whole course of painkillers because she felt okay with only OTC stuff after maybe 4-5 days. The doc wanted him walking asap but it’s took about 5 days before he felt comfortable going down those stairs and around the block. That minimal trip wiped him out for the whole day. He probably felt a little sore for weeks if not a month or more.

Honestly, the gas they put in you was a big part of the immediate discomfort over the first few days. I wish they’d said something about compression shorts because having those earlier would have been nice. Telling us after the surgery when we can’t get anything is not helpful! It’s been 4 years and he still complains of “twinges” in that area under certain conditions and he now thinks twice before lifting heavy stuff at work or going too far when he’s not in shape.
posted by Bunglegirl at 6:32 PM on October 23, 2021

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