Looking for Nikki Giovanni about thanking a friend..
October 17, 2021 9:20 PM   Subscribe

I heard a Nikki Giovanni poem being read. A poem about friends and appreciation.. it's in the first person, and about being thankful..

.. the part I heard goes a bit like (apologies for bad paraphrasing/butchering it - it's a very good poem):

sometimes we only call when we are in trouble, or need advice, and I am guilty of this myself, and we forget to call just to say hello.. and i have forgotten.. and I want to say thank you, but chocolate isn't good enough.. an neither is jewelry, I don't want you to think my mother didn't raise me right, so ..what is good.. is "thank you"

anybody know the title of this poem or an idea of when / which book it was in so I could look it up?
posted by elgee to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I just took a look using various search terms and was not successful. (But now I want to know the title, too, because it sounds like a wonderful poem.)
posted by virago at 8:38 PM on October 18, 2021

Response by poster: virago.. thank you for your efforts < 3 !! it was indeed a wonderful poem !!!! arghhhh... well, I will keep looking. I guess I could backchannel message the folks in the clubhouse room where I heard it read, if I can.. find them again. If I figure it out I'll post an update here.
posted by elgee at 11:05 AM on October 20, 2021

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