Second Moderna Shot
March 2, 2021 12:36 PM   Subscribe

My parents in Massachusetts got their first Moderna vaccine shot 27 days ago. Today their 2nd appointment got canceled for March 3 and MIT Medical isn't sure when they will get more Moderna... How to find an appointment for a specific shot?

Looking for help from people with specific Massachusetts knowledge or experience. My parents are in their late 70s and have trouble standing for long periods of times.

It looks like Gillette's two clinics have Moderna according to the web. Does anyone on here know the amount of standing needed for going through that process or have done it? Would help encourage my parents to go there.

A lot of providers don't seem to list which vaccine they are administering via the portal at Is there any useful way to get this information besides trying to call places? Is calling places a useful tactic in this case? If I could find a few places to try for appointments then I could just wait for more appointments (that I'm good at. Probably can write a grease monkey script to help me).
posted by creiszhanson to Health & Fitness (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
That's so frustrating! I'm sorry. Are you on Facebook? You could try searching Facebook groups for your state or your area + vaccine hunters. I see questions like this on my state vaccine hunting group pretty often. Of course, the posters there are volunteers and most likely don't have any insider knowledge, but they are helping seniors find and book appointments, so they know which providers have which vaccine at the time they booked the appointments.
posted by amarynth at 1:20 PM on March 2, 2021 [2 favorites]

Fromwhat I gather calling places is a useful tactic. Have you seen ?
posted by corvine at 2:43 PM on March 2, 2021 [1 favorite]

Best answer: One of my older relatives just got their first shot at Gillette last week. All of this information is second-hand based on my conversations with them after they got it.

* Everyone is expected to wait in their cars in the large stadium parking lot until their appointment time. Depending on where you park, the walk could be significant.

* There was a lot of standing in multiple lines. The lines moved fast and my relative never stood still for more than 20-30 seconds, but there was at least a line for the precheck, a line to check in, and a line to get the dose and (I think) a line to check out. I'm fairly certain there's an escalator somewhere along the path as well.

* People in wheelchairs were being actively removed from the line and put into a parallel track. I can't say for certain what the policy was or if it might be extended to people using walkers and canes, but it sounds like they were actively monitoring the lines for people who might need additional accommodations.

* All said, it took my relative about 50 minutes to leave their car, work their way through the lines, and return to the car.

I'll have a chance tomorrow morning to corroborate this information, so I'll check back with any additional notes.

Also, I know of at least one vaccination site which is operating as a drive-thru. Unfortunately for you it's giving the Pfizer shot, but maybe there are others giving out the Moderna one?
posted by RonButNotStupid at 6:01 PM on March 2, 2021 [2 favorites]

You may want to actively follow @vaccinetime which monitors various vaccine sites and posts when new openings are added.
posted by RonButNotStupid at 6:09 PM on March 2, 2021 [2 favorites]

It doesn’t hurt to call, but I know that for at least some of the ones that don’t specify, it’s because they do both and don’t know what their supply will be on a given day. The Council on Aging in your parents’ town might have a sense of which sites in their area have Moderna, or have a volunteer who can help call around for info.
posted by songs about trains at 7:06 PM on March 2, 2021

You can use and filter by brand. Some states aren’t included for various reasons, but this is an easy place to start
posted by raccoon409 at 7:22 PM on March 2, 2021

Best answer: I know several people who have gotten Moderna at CVS in Mass.
posted by wisekaren at 5:42 AM on March 3, 2021

Best answer: Update:

There are staffers at the beginning of each line who you can speak with to request accommodations, and there are also staffers at intervals making sure everyone's comfortable. There are also wheelchairs provided on-site for anyone who has trouble standing in line.

There was an escalator in the 'main' line, but there are also elevators for people that need them.

Also of note: The staffers were very good about reassuring people that everyone will get a vaccine no matter how late for their appointment they are. Do not worry if you get stuck in traffic, get lost on the way to Gillette, or just arrive late, as long as you get their on your day you will get a vaccine.
posted by RonButNotStupid at 9:45 AM on March 3, 2021

I have a friend who does home health care for elderly folks and she’s taken several to Gillette and they’ve all been given opportunities to sit if needed or use a wheelchair. She’s been really impressed with how organized and thoughtful they’ve been.
posted by jdl at 6:43 PM on March 3, 2021

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