iOS 13 media player, good with podcasts, with full-screen controls?
March 3, 2020 7:17 AM   Subscribe

Is there a media player for iOS 13 that works well with podcasts and audiobooks - ideally with huge or full screen controls for pause and play that you can use without looking at the iPhone?

99% of my iPhone listening is podcasts and audiobooks. I manage my podcasts on my Mac - I hoard podcasts, and I have literally tens of thousands of them, so typical podcast apps are NOT useful for me. I store all my podcasts on the Mac and drag them over to the iPhone, in playlists, when I want to listen to them.

I do a lot of listening while I'm walking, so the LeechTunes-style control, where I can tap anywhere on the screen to pause or play, without having to look at the screen, is ideal.

I used to love CarTunes and LeechTunes, but CarTunes doesn't work in iOS 13, and in LeechTunes in iOS 13, when I try to play a podcast or audiobook, it plays a random song from my music library instead.

I AM able to select and play podcasts and audiobooks from other players, including Stezza and Ecoute, but I don't like their controls. If I start playing a podcast from Stezza or Ecoute and then switch over to Leechtunes, it's playing and displaying the right thing and I can use the nice full-screen controls I want. But it's cumbersome to have to use one player to choose my listening and another for the controls.

Is there a media player for iOS 13 that has nice don't-have-to-look-at-the-screen controls, that works well with podcasts and audiobooks?

posted by kristi to Technology (2 answers total)
Is play/pause the only thing you use the controls for while walking? If so, can you get headphones with a play/pause button? Then you could use whatever podcast app you like to sort/filter/configure playlists, etc.
posted by caek at 7:31 AM on March 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

Bookmobile is my recommendation and it has several options for controls. There is a trial period so you don't have to buy it to see if the controls work for you.
posted by soelo at 7:32 AM on March 3, 2020

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