Goldilocks and the Ghost
October 2, 2018 10:12 PM   Subscribe

Help fulfill my toddler's bedtime story request.

Tonight my toddler asked to hear the story of Goldilocks and the Ghost. My mind went blank! Any ideas?

The one thing to know about the Goldilocks oeuvre in our house is that it's a little less about "too big, too small, just right" than normal. In our version, the bears come home, and Baby Bear starts crying because he didn't want someone to eat all his porridge. Goldilocks hears this and wakes up, sneaks out the back, cooks up some porridge, and brings it over along with some glue to fix the broken chair. No bears get threatening or angry (they're more like "hmm, has someone been eating my porridge?"); they basically react like any parent would upon discovering that a neighbor child had eaten their food when they left the door unlocked: a little confused, a little "thank you for telling us," and a little "you're welcome to come over for porridge anytime." It's mostly about how Goldilocks oversteps, makes amends, and is forgiven. Not that the new story has to follow that exactly -- just giving you a flavor for our Goldilocks world.

Anyway, all ideas would be welcome!
posted by slidell to Grab Bag (6 answers total)
Best answer: The bears' porridge is disappearing again and they ask Goldilocks if she forgot to tell them she was coming over to eat porridge. She is confused because she hasn't. The porridge continues to disappear. Goldilocks and Baby Bear team up to monitor what is happening to the porridge (depending on whether you want them to stay up all night without parental approval, they could either do this by hiding or could set up some phones/cameras to record; personally I think the former works better since ghosts are notoriously difficult to capture on camera) and discover that it is a ghost eating the porridge! They invite the ghost to join them and bring their friends for a special Halloween porridge party with Goldilocks and her family, the whole Bear family and the ghosts all happily eating porridge together. The end.
posted by Athanassiel at 11:16 PM on October 2, 2018 [10 favorites]

Oh and also maybe the ghosts could bring some special ghost marshmallows or something to add to the porridge to make it special for the occasion.
posted by Athanassiel at 11:17 PM on October 2, 2018

^^ Pumpkin spice porridge.
posted by a humble nudibranch at 11:59 PM on October 2, 2018

Best answer: Once upon a time, in the deep dark forest, lived a little girl named Goldilocks. Her best friend wasn't another little girl or boy. Her best friend was Baby Bear, who lived just down the lane with his Mummy and Daddy. Often, Goldilocks would pop down there and have breakfast with the Bear family before school.

One day, Goldilocks and Baby Bear were eating their porridge together when there was a strange noise. "ooo-oooo--ooooooooooooh" went the strange noise! "Aaaaaaaah!" wailed Baby Bear. Baby Bear was scared. Goldilocks held Baby Bear's hand and they ran out of the house away from the noise, they ran down the lane, they ran over the bridge and they hid behind a tree. They hid for a long time and later when they finally crept back to the house, all they found was their cold porridge.

The next day, Goldilocks and Baby Bear were eating their porridge together when there was another strange noise. "eeeee-eeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh" went the strange noise! "Aaaaaah!" wailed Baby Bear. Goldilocks held Baby Bear's hand and they ran out of the house away from the noise. They ran down the lane and they hid behind a tree. They PEEKED OUT just a tiny bit but they couldn't see anything. When they finally crept back to the house, all they found was their cold porridge.

NEXT day, Goldilocks and Baby Bear were eating their porridge together when there was another strange noise. "aaaahhhhh-ahhhhhh-ahhhhhhhh" went the strange noise. "Aaaaaah!" wailed Baby Bear. Goldilocks held Baby Bear's hand and they ran out of the house and hid behind the front door. They peeked out just a tiny bit, and this time they could see what made the noise. In the house, by the porridge, was a very sad looking ghost.

"Hello, sad ghost!" said Goldilocks in a teeny tiny voice. "Helloooooh?" said the ghost in an equally tiny voice. "My name is Goldilocks" said Goldilocks. "What's your name?" "My name is Suuuuuuuusan" said the ghost "and I'm very lonely, every time I try to talk to someone they run away!"
"Oh" said Goldilocks. "Perhaps we could be your friends! I'd like to talk to you, what do you think, Baby Bear?" Baby Bear nodded his head. "How about a game of hide and seek?" said Goldilocks. "That would be fun!" said Suuuuuusan. "I'm really good at hide and seek!"

From then on, every morning Goldilocks, Baby Bear and Suuuuuusan ate their porridge together and were the best of friends.
posted by quacks like a duck at 1:13 AM on October 3, 2018 [5 favorites]

Maybe it'd be fun to crib from this book: The ghosts' colour is affected by whatever they eat.
The menu includes fruit juice, pumpkin soup, cheese (complete with holes), and finally, milk.
posted by Calvin and the Duplicators at 3:33 AM on October 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Ok, you should definitely buy your kid Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the 33 Bears and the Bliim and the Furniture. It's a hilarious pop-up book with variations on the Goldilocks theme.

One of the stories, Goldilocks and the Furniture, could be adapted to suit your needs. In it, Goldilocks sneaks into the bears' house, but the house and the furniture all work together to foil her. Horace the chair jumps out of the way and she falls down on the floor. Maurice the porridge bowl jumps out of the way and Alice, the spoon, hits Goldilocks on the nose. Boris the bed makes a lot of noise and his sheet, James, flies up and waves around like a ghost. That sort of thing. So if I had to invent a story about Goldilocks and a ghost, I'd make the ghost the protective spirit of the bears' house, who does increasingly silly things to frighten Goldilocks away.
posted by lollymccatburglar at 4:35 AM on October 3, 2018 [3 favorites]

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