Need a new rain jacket
May 17, 2018 9:28 AM   Subscribe

My 15 year old Marmot Precip jacket has finally worn out completely, and I need a replacement. In the interval, Marmot seems to have become more fashionable + expensive, so I'm looking for suggestions for equally good but more affordable options if they're out there. Bonus points for jackets that don't contain the usual litany of rain-proofing toxins.
posted by reedbird_hill to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: If you're willing to get another Precip and just don't like the price, REI has them on sale right now for $70.
posted by quaking fajita at 9:33 AM on May 17, 2018 [2 favorites]

The Precip is available cheaper in other places but I don't know if the newer versions contain rain-proofing toxins. You might get more helpful advice if you can be more specific.
posted by rtha at 9:34 AM on May 17, 2018

Patagonia Torrentshell. Better hood than the PreCip, and recycled/bluesign-approved materials. A little more expensive, unfortunately, but there are often online-only sales on Patagonia's website and sometimes you can find good deals on REI Garage or similar. It'll last you for years, and Patagonia's repair/replace policy is top-notch if you like to repair instead of replace gear.
posted by halation at 9:41 AM on May 17, 2018 [3 favorites]

Does yours have the magnetic buttons?? I have been looking for another rain jacket, and my current Marmot (no idea what version, but it's about 10-15 years old, too and kinda looks like the one in the link) has magnetic buttons which I absolutely LOVE. But I have had zero luck so far finding any light rain jackets with magnetic buttons.

If you don't care about magnetic buttons, the brands I've been looking at that are not as pricey as the Marmot include:

Tho pricewise sometimes I could only find reasonable prices when items were on sale for those brands.
posted by Grither at 9:43 AM on May 17, 2018

Marmot has an amazing warranty service. I’d start there.
posted by zachxman at 4:47 PM on May 17, 2018

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