In Search Of A Lovely Day....
May 8, 2018 5:19 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone help me track down a short film by Ed Burns, from 2001? It was part of the 9/11 Concert for New York City.

There were about 6 filmmakers who did short films as tributes to New York that ran during the concert, but the only one of those films I can find today was the one by Woody Allen. I'm looking for the one by Ed Burns - it was just a series of clips of happy people going about their business, smiling at the camera, having easygoing fun, set to the Bill Withers song "Lovely Day". I found it strangely comforting at the time and would love to see it again, but can only find the full 5-hour concert (and available for purchase, to boot).

Does anyone know a source for just the Ed Burns clip?
posted by EmpressCallipygos to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
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posted by sacrifix at 9:16 PM on May 9, 2018

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