Toddler-sized feminist shirts in NYC by Saturday?
January 16, 2017 5:33 PM   Subscribe

Taking toddlers and kids to NYC march, decided we should all wear shirts there, instead of counting on finding some on site. Seen any cool shirts in this size? That I could obtain on such short notice?
posted by mahorn to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You can go to a craft store and get iron on paper. Print whatever you want off the Web or make one yourself. They also sell white tees at the craft store cheap. I've made about 30 shirts, it's pretty easy.
posted by ReluctantViking at 5:58 PM on January 16, 2017 [6 favorites]

Lots of malls also have places that will embroider or print up shirts while you wait. They tend to have a large range of sizes (including toddler)
posted by raccoon409 at 7:02 PM on January 16, 2017

I like the idea of DIY above, but if that's not possible, Otherwild has my fav shirt in kid and baby sizes. Bonus: 25% of proceeds of this style goes to Planned Parenthood. They have a couple of other really cool kid/baby sizes tees available that you can check out as well. Standard shipping is priority mail, so I'd recommend calling the NY store first thing tmrw, and asking if they can do expedited shipping, or you can pick them up (not sure if you're in the city). I ordered a few the other day, and they were very responsive and super helpful. YMMV.
posted by gollie at 7:09 PM on January 16, 2017

Response by poster: Yes in NYC (Brooklyn), so local retailers/vendors/print shops are the hope, although online with speedy delivery is fine.

ReluctantViking, thanks for the faith in my diy! And raccoon409 such a place would be great. My preference would be to support artisans already in the space of political shirt-making, if I can find one, but I've left myself little time to be choosy!

Thanks for the great option, gollie! (Their other one, Gender Is A Drag, is cool too.) Fingers crossed for more.
posted by mahorn at 8:02 PM on January 16, 2017

Designer Diana Kane in Park Slope (of course) has "Feminist" tees (and onesies). They aren't super cheap ($28 kids, $40 adults), but some of the money apparently goes to a good cause.
posted by retrograde at 8:32 PM on January 16, 2017

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