Date coach app thing
October 24, 2015 9:52 PM   Subscribe

I read about this dating coach app as its founders were profiled in Inc. magazine. They had a few tiers of dating coaching and the service had "trees" in the name I'm pretty sure. The focus was coaching not matching. I think it is a long shot but does anyone know? I searched inc magazine
posted by zutalors! to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
I have the Texture app (you can read a bazillion magazines and search them and past issues for the past several years). I searched "dating app" and "dating coach" back to October 2012 in Inc. Magazine and nothing came up. Is there another phrase you want me to search for?
posted by cecic at 10:12 PM on October 24, 2015

When do you remember reading it?
posted by OnTheLastCastle at 12:28 AM on October 25, 2015

Response by poster: Cecic - something about trees
posted by zutalors! at 7:31 AM on October 25, 2015

Nothing's coming up. If there is a specific issue you want me to flip through, let me know. Sorry!
posted by cecic at 8:39 AM on October 25, 2015 [1 favorite]

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