Scratch my earworm, please
December 15, 2014 9:56 PM   Subscribe

I am mildly obsessed with Odesza's "Say My Name". Thankfully there are literally a hundred remixes of it on SoundCloud, so I can listen to it effectively indefinitely. But I'm looking for more songs that would scratch whatever itch this song does. Others that seem to do it are Chromeo's Jealous and Lizzo & Caroline Smith's Let 'em Say.

Hivemind, do these ring any bells? Any suggestions?
posted by BungaDunga to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I love the hell out of that song. But your other two examples don't really do it for me. I guess I'm coming from a different angle, and my recommendations are going to be a bit scattershot.

Anyway: Try these:
Classixx - All You're Waiting For
Anushka - Echo

These take a more minimal, sample-based approach to the vocals. They tickle a similar region of my head, but may be a long shot for you
Starfoxxx - Bae HD
40 Thieves - The Sky Is Yours
posted by aubilenon at 10:34 PM on December 15, 2014

Oh Ive been loving that Odesza album too.

Nthing Classixx

My suggestions:
Years & Years
French Horn Rebellion & Savoir Adore - The Fire (Savoir Adores latest album seems to have gone from Spotify recently, pout, this track is awesome tho.)
The Aston Shuffle
Fenech Soler
Bit more down tempo but retaining that terribly cool vibe:
posted by Ness at 3:46 AM on December 16, 2014

HAIM – Falling
posted by jeto at 5:22 AM on December 16, 2014

Saint Etienne - Erica America
posted by jbickers at 5:29 AM on December 16, 2014

Response by poster: I'm still going through these more or less at random, but all the ones I've listened to so far are good! My favorite so far is The Fire, it's exactly right.

Now I've slept on it, I think what I like about Say My Name is the light, high vocals that is a bit "sampley", on top of the catchy, slightly funky beat. Which is why the Chromeo track worked for me as well. The Fire has most of that! I'm liking Aston Shuffle a lot too.
posted by BungaDunga at 6:50 AM on December 16, 2014

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