Where is this video snippet from?
January 20, 2013 8:10 AM   Subscribe

Help me find the source of this video clip, it begins at 2:08 here. It's a dance sequence,the one with the woman with short blond hair. Given the subject of the video it's likely from an advertisement in the late 80s - early 90s. The music playing in the background on the video is not the original music accompanying the clip.
posted by mattholomew to Media & Arts (9 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
She's wearing sort of a maid's uniform? That bit?
posted by vrakatar at 8:30 AM on January 20, 2013

Response by poster: Sorry, could have made it clearer which part as it's only about 3 seconds. Screenshot here.
posted by mattholomew at 8:36 AM on January 20, 2013

I know it's a lot to go through, but did you try browsing the YouTube channels linked at the bottom of the description in the Vimeo video? It says that's where much of the footage was sourced.
posted by Ms. Toad at 8:49 AM on January 20, 2013

My first thought was Berlin -- she looks a bit like Terri Nunn -- and the guy to her right could be Matt Reid (?), but I'm sure some Berlin fan will set me straight. Anyway, I poked around among blonde 80s singers backed by male bands like Kim Wilde, Kim Carnes, and such, with no success. The only thing that gives me pause is her stripper-feathers/daisy-dukes getup, which feels a tiny bit more country to me.

I can't decide if the guy to her left is black or just has frizzy hair and sunglasses. That would pretty definitively eliminate country music as a source, though.
posted by dhartung at 2:06 PM on January 20, 2013

The female may be Debbie Harry of Blondie. They were big in the late 70's, early 80's.
posted by JujuB at 5:18 PM on January 20, 2013

Not Debbie Harry and Blondie. I should have mentioned bands it couldn't be, and ones I've checked. That would include Dale Bozzio and Missing Persons; Ellen Foley and Pandora's Box; Maria Fredrikson and Roxette (just a duo, though); Taylor Dayne; Debbie Gibson ... I could go on but I'm dismissing many more obviously unrelated choices as well.

I'm thinking the guy on her right has an oversized mustache, another genre-limiting fashion indicator.
posted by dhartung at 6:01 PM on January 20, 2013

I really don't think it's from a music video. I think it is from a tv commercial, and because of the amount of blue in it, I want to say Pepsi.

It definitely seems familiar to me, and I only had access to basic, four-network television all through the 80s and into the 90s, so I think it would have to have been something that showed frequently during prime time viewing hours, which is the only time I watched tv back then.
posted by Brody's chum at 8:42 PM on January 20, 2013 [1 favorite]

Samantha Fox?
posted by bink at 10:46 PM on January 20, 2013

Soda ad seems plausible, but there isn't a single can or logo visible -- and usually you're going to find it in just about every frame. That would fit the multi-ethnic vibe, though (there aren't that many bands that do). I'm doing a what-if on the guy at the edge being Michael Jackson (Pepsi frontman, natch), but it seems when that was the case, he was already mostly white. /hamburger

I guess another angle here is that they're all looking at the snazzy chick in something chic, clearly something she would not have dared to show off to all these guys unless she were inspired by ... a product? It does seem more of an ad mise-en-scene than a music video one.
posted by dhartung at 11:48 PM on January 20, 2013

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