Videoblogging on Windows (and Mac)
August 21, 2005 5:15 AM   Subscribe

Videoblogging: What is the best software arrangement for recording video with a conventional webcam + audio through a USB mic? It would be great to output in QuickTime and/or Flash video player format.

I'm using Windows but please include Mac configurations for other readers.
posted by ao4047 to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
It seems no-ones jumped to this one but I'd probably use an AVI based recording tool with a lossy codec (download VirtualDub and HuffyUV), then use Quicktime Pro and Flash to compress the files seperately.

Sorry I can't think of any more elegant solutions, but nonetheless this will solve your problem.
posted by rc55 at 1:44 PM on August 21, 2005

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