Psychiatrist reco in Chicago, please
September 28, 2011 10:27 AM   Subscribe

Recommendations for Chicago psychiatrist in the Loop for alcohol addiction and depression therapy, please.

Looking to find a councilor or psychiatrist in the Chicago Loop. Just had a four day binge where I was blacked out, yet still managed to keep drinking. I'm recovering today with a massive hangover. I'm the type of drunk who's not very social, and when I binge it's alone at home. Lovely, huh?

I was seeing a psych last year, but he was frankly a little on the new-agey side for my liking. I don't know whether medication will be for me, but this guy really was anti-meds. He was also a little too on the reflective side, and I'd like to see someone who gives more feedback.

I don't have a car, so ideally the doctor should be in the Loop or perhaps River North, so I can get there and back in a work day.

I am looking for one on one treatment, not a group.

Also- What is the going rate for this kind of treatment? I have insurance but would need to exhaust a $5000 deductible. My last guy charged $180/session (usually about 45 minutes). Is that a reasonable rate? I have the money to pay for this, but would like to get a feel for an average rate.

Throwaway email address: anon_gray at yahoo dot com

Thanks for your help.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (3 answers total)
I can make a strong recommendation for Cathedral Counseling Center, which is right in the loop and will adjust their rates based on your financial situation. They're not in any way anti-meds and at least in the experience of those who I know who go there, there's a good amount of feedback (caveat: The experiences of those I know are for clinical depression only, so YMMV w/r/t alcohol addiction therapy or etc.).
posted by shakespeherian at 1:06 PM on September 28, 2011

P.S. My email's in my profile if you want more detailed information.
posted by shakespeherian at 1:07 PM on September 28, 2011

Bill Lynch is a good psychiatrist in the loop. He doesn't specifically deal with substance abuse issues, but I think he's a good clinician and a straight shooter. He prescribes medication and does therapy (i.e. more than just med management), which is kind of rare these days. I've never been a patient of his, but he has a very good professional reputation and he was the standard psychiatry referral at the counseling center where I used to work.
posted by Mrs.Spiffy at 2:02 PM on September 28, 2011

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