Identify this song: Camarero
August 4, 2011 4:28 AM   Subscribe

Camarero something something me muero de sed: What is the name of this Spanish language song about being at a bar on the beach and trying to get the waiter's attention for a drink? I last heard it in 1995 and expect it was made only a few years earlier. I thought the name was just Camarero, but I am not getting the right song by Google. The singer is male, the music generically Latin, and I am pretty sure you hear the drink being opened.
posted by whatzit to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Best answer: Not easy to find, but here it is - Camarero, by Enrique del Pozo
posted by O9scar at 5:41 AM on August 4, 2011

Response by poster: AskMe never ceases to amaze. I do not know how you did that, but I have been looking for this song off and on for 15 years! Off to convert that puppy so I have it in the future.
posted by whatzit at 6:06 AM on August 4, 2011

I did it the roundabout way, but I just realized that a video search on Camarero would have been faster.
posted by O9scar at 6:20 AM on August 4, 2011

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