Good men's clothing basics?
July 9, 2011 5:01 AM   Subscribe

Good men's clothing basics, in the UK?

I'm looking for some recommended alternatives to places like Gap or Uniqlo (my current favourite) for men's basics - t's, socks, underwear, smart plain shirts.

I'm not a fan of high-street places for basics beyond Gap, and while I love Uniqlo, their online selection seems to dwindle between 'great' and 'why is nothing in my size?'. The shops are awesome, but I don't live in London.

Is there some other place, preferably with a good online store that I'm missing?
posted by nafrance to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Amazon sells clothing
posted by TheRaven at 5:36 AM on July 9, 2011

Topman, H&M, and Burton meet all your criteria, don't be put off by the fact that the majority of topmans clothes are overly trendy, they are good for basics too. Debenhams and dorothy perkind would be worth a look too.
posted by ellieBOA at 6:10 AM on July 9, 2011

Is price a concern? You can get great designer socks at the Old Factory Shop and they sell other mens' basics too. Next also does good basics.
posted by hazyjane at 6:27 AM on July 9, 2011

posted by holgate at 6:28 AM on July 9, 2011

And when I say is price a concern, I mean you can get designer stuff that will last at much less than its RRP.
posted by hazyjane at 6:28 AM on July 9, 2011

I buy my pants and socks in bulk from Primark. They're as cheap as chips, comfortable, and come in a good range of sizes.

In my experience, I'd avoid M&S like the plague for such things, the clothes are overpriced and don't seem to last.

Also, I bought a belt from Matalan ten years ago and I've worn it everyday since.
posted by hnnrs at 6:54 AM on July 9, 2011

I'd avoid M&S like the plague for such things, the clothes are overpriced and don't seem to last.

I've never had that problem for basis. I know it's a cliché to associate M&S with underwear, but there's a reason why I still get it sent across the pond at Christmas.
posted by holgate at 8:22 AM on July 9, 2011

I use M&S for socks/underwear with pickup instore from online order.
Lands End have a good selection especially their cheapish high quality linen shirts. Their factory shops are worth seeking out if there is one local to you.
Tesco don't seem to have anything of note apart from keenly priced baggy linen/cotton trousers that I buy every year.
posted by Dr.Pill at 5:34 PM on July 9, 2011

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