Resources for coping with PPD in NYC?
July 4, 2011 10:48 AM   Subscribe

Resources for coping with PPD in NYC?

I hate being a new mom. I'm exhausted, cranky, and irrational. I try to avoid intrracting with my baby, and am unaffected by its obvious cuteness. I spend my time wishing I were somewhere else and fantasizing about getting in accidents so I can rest. Please help me find a therapist to help me get through this so I can enjoy my baby!
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (8 answers total)
Your baby's pediatrician is likely very used to helping new moms find support in these situations. I'd start by asking her/him.
posted by decathecting at 11:10 AM on July 4, 2011

These pages have some info about local resources and helplines: PostpartumNY
Postpartum Support International.

Talking to your baby's pediatrician is also a very good idea -- especially if your baby is very new, being on the lookout for the mom's mental health is part of the pediatrician's job (PPD typically manifests around 6-8 weeks postpartum), and it's likely that your pediatrician has a wealth of info about local resources for coping with PPD and will know exactly which therapists to recommend and how to get you in as soon as possible.

I absolutely commend you for posting this question -- if I had actually asked for help with my first baby instead of wishing I was dead so that I could sleep and powering through it alone, I would have saved myself a lot of heartache in those early months. Hang in there. It really does get better.
posted by mothershock at 11:49 AM on July 4, 2011

Yes, I don't know about NYC but keep pushing to get the help you need. Your regular doctor, midwife/OB, or your pediatrician should all be able to help. Good luck and hang in there.
posted by dawkins_7 at 11:59 AM on July 4, 2011

Postpartum Progress is a bolg about ppd (especially policy stuff) that has a great resource section. The New York section of the list has several NYC support groups. You might also find other areas of the blog helpful, especially the FAQs and a daily email for new moms. (fwiw, I emailed a bit with the woman who runs this org for profession reasons, and found her incredibly kind, warm, and passionate about helping new moms.)

Other thoughts: PSI (mentioned above) is a fantastic organization and should be able to connect you to support groups and other help. Your doctor, pediatrician, and midwife/OB/doula all should have resources (in many states, pediatricians are required to screen new moms so s/he might be the best place to start. If you delivered at a hospital, you could try calling them--they might have a support group or other resources they can refer you to. I know a bunch of neighborhoods in NYC have parent listservs/networks; if your neighborhood does that might be another place to look for resources or ask for hyper local therapists. For immediate help, do you have any friends or family you can ask to take the baby for a few hours so you can sleep?

Many hugs to you, anon. You can get through this.
posted by min at 1:11 PM on July 4, 2011

You are absolutely doing the right thing asking for help, and you are wise for recognizing this in yourself. I wish I could have said the same about myself a couple of years ago. Another resource is the Postpartum Health Alliance. They have a directory of resources that may be helpful.

Be well.
posted by goggie at 3:31 PM on July 4, 2011

When I had PPD in NYC, I got support from my OB/GYN (yay, Zoloft) and on-line support groups. Some hospitals have PPD support groups, too.

I'm not in NYC any more, but please please please feel free to e-mail or Memail me if you just want to vent.
posted by The corpse in the library at 4:41 PM on July 4, 2011

I'm not in NY and I'm not a professional, but I am an ear & voice of support if you ever want that, confidentiality guaranteed.

So glad you're reaching out!
posted by batmonkey at 12:18 AM on July 5, 2011

There's a woman, Yael, in upstate NY who does once-a-month phone chats and online skill-building classes for people with PPD. She might be able to hook you up with some good services in NYC.
posted by hungrytiger at 1:26 PM on July 5, 2011

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