The Music in Sleep No More
April 7, 2011 9:40 AM   Subscribe

I'm trying to figure out what music is used in the play Sleep No More currently being shown in New York City.

There are two pieces in particular I'm curious about:

1) The techno song used during the strobe light scene in the bar.

2) The forlorn song about how everything is hopeless. Several cast members lip sync to a distorted version of this song at various points during the performance.

I've seen the play in NYC and in Boston, and I *think* that the same music was used in both locations.

Any pointers would be helpful. Perhaps there are forums where people are discussing the play, for instance. There certainly is plenty to discuss, but my googling seems to only turn up reviews.
posted by Maastrictian to Society & Culture (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
There's contact info at that site -- -- did you try asking?
posted by brainmouse at 10:39 AM on April 7, 2011

I bet if you call the theatre, they can hook you up with the producer, who will have had to get the rights to the songs, and therefore will know what they are.
posted by musofire at 10:46 AM on April 7, 2011

It's very possible that it was created specifically for the play. Definitely write and ask.
posted by nosila at 8:17 PM on April 7, 2011

I suspect brainmouse's link goes to the theatre Box Office, who will only end up passing your request back to Punchdrunk anyway.

The email address for Punchdrunk is

In our hyper-connected modern world, you could even send the Director or Sound Designer a message on Facebook, saying you enjoyed the show and asking about the music.
posted by the latin mouse at 1:44 AM on April 9, 2011

Best answer: A non-MeFi member was kind enough to e-mail me the answer!

The "witch orgy" is a mix of two songs:

The forlorn song you mentioned:
posted by Maastrictian at 10:47 AM on July 14, 2011

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