I can say I hope it will be worth what I give up
November 22, 2010 6:07 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for songs where the songwriter's courage of conviction is tested by fear of negative consequences. Know of any?

[mixfilter] There seem to be a lot of songs where the songwriter expresses their wish to do what they feel is right, consequences be damned, eff you all if you don't agree. I would like to hear some songs where the songwriter's courage of conviction is sorely tested by fear of the negative consequences - their fear of disapproval, fear of coming up lacking, fear of criticism, or even their regret after doing what they wanted, and finding the sacrifice to be too great. In particular I am interested in songs where the writer reflects on the things they stand to lose by following the courage of their conviction, and are to some degree apprehensive about following through.

One song that I think exemplifies what I'm interested in is L.E.S Artistes by Santigold. While she seems overall solid in her conviction to be true to her music and carve a path for herself, she wonders at the same time whether it will be worth it. The songs don't have to be about artistic integrity, just generally about doing something that one feels is right but may have negative consequences.

Much love to any mefites that can find songs that explore this theme!
posted by ultrabuff to Media & Arts (7 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
After the Storm by Mumford and Sons
posted by effigy at 6:18 AM on November 22, 2010

"Oh, I'm afraid of trouble, yes I'm afraid of jail / But I'm more afraid, lord, not to try / More afraid of what happens, now, if we fail..." Phil Ochs.
posted by misteraitch at 6:24 AM on November 22, 2010 [2 favorites]

Big Lie Small World by Sting
posted by alchemist at 6:26 AM on November 22, 2010

"I Can't Do It" - The E-Types
posted by reedbird_hill at 7:02 AM on November 22, 2010

Devils and Dust, Bruce Springsteen. (There's a lot of Springsteen that covers this turf. You could also make an argument for, say, Brilliant Disguise, or Backstreets.)
posted by fairytale of los angeles at 8:34 AM on November 22, 2010 [1 favorite]

Pursuit of Happiness - by Kid Cudi or alternatively a great cover by Lissie
posted by clearly at 12:02 PM on November 22, 2010

There's a lot of that on Concrete Blonde's first self-titled album, but especially "Beware of Darkness". You might also want to listen to "Still in Hollywood" too.

"The Sound of Settling" by Death Cab for Cutie.

"Ghost World" by Aimee Mann kind of gets at that theme, but it's more apathy than fear of negative consequences.

"Big Bad Wold One" by Jonathan Coulton.

"Destroyer" by The Kinks
posted by willnot at 3:37 PM on November 22, 2010

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