Chinese Cassette
February 25, 2005 10:09 PM   Subscribe

I bought a tape at goodwill the other day. It's in a chinese dialect and there is no english on the packaging. It's got a great Mandarin/Chinese cover of Addicted to Love and I'm hoping you guys can help translate the artist's name, and hopefully the name of the album, too. Copyright 1987, by the way. Here's a scan of the sleeve.
posted by Evstar to Media & Arts (6 answers total)
Best answer: It looks like George Lam?
posted by MightyNez at 10:32 PM on February 25, 2005

Best answer: aka Lam Chi-Cheung of Hong Kong... actor and singer...

(not finding the same album, but not a native speaker...)
posted by MightyNez at 10:56 PM on February 25, 2005

Response by poster: Here is is.

Brilliant work! Thanks a lot.
posted by Evstar at 11:05 PM on February 25, 2005

Which one is the cover of Addicted to Love, if you can point it out? Thanks.
posted by numble at 3:36 AM on February 26, 2005

I see "love" in the first song on Side A, but it's kind of a wild guess...

Hopefully Evstar will come back and let us know—sounds interesting...
posted by MightyNez at 7:28 AM on February 26, 2005

Response by poster: I'm pretty sure addicted to love is track one on one of the sides. Don't have a tape deck handy right now so it's hard to check.
posted by Evstar at 9:35 AM on February 26, 2005

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