Feldenkrais NYC?
May 10, 2010 7:18 PM   Subscribe

Recommend a good Feldenkrais place/practitioner in Brooklyn or metro NYC?

I'm still in the process of recovering from a foot injury (metatarsalgia or ball-of-foot joint injury) from over a month ago. Currently in P/T, icing it regularly, resting it, etc. It's just taking a *long* time to heal. I'm curious about whether Feldenkrais might help a bit, and would be grateful for recommendations in the NYC area. Thanks!
posted by airguitar2 to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I can whole-heartedly recommend Aliza Stewart. My sessions with her have made a huge impact in my life. Even if she were not able to help you (she tends to work with a lot of musicians, although not exclusively) I'm sure she would be happy to refer you to other Feldenkrais practitioners. Good luck!
posted by violinflu at 6:28 AM on May 11, 2010

I cannot vouch for how good they are, as I have never actually used their services, but my massage therapist has his office within the Feldenkrais Institute. It might be a good place to start, as they have many, many classes and instructors.
posted by ocherdraco at 9:33 AM on May 11, 2010

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