What kind of doctor can fix my brain?
January 8, 2010 5:14 AM   Subscribe

I have a very specific set of behaviors that I want to seek external assistance to alter, but have no idea how to go about doing so.

It's pretty simple, really. Once I've tucked the kids in bed, I flop down in front of the PC and then those 2-3 hours that are my only time to get non-work, non-family things done waste away. This is like 90% of my nights.

Many years of this have been enough to prove to me that I'm not going to claw my way to self-discipline on my own. So I guess this means... therapy? How do I go about finding the specific kind of skull-doctor that might [a.] help me understand the actual root causes, and [b.] find a viable solution?

I've seen lots of AskMeFi suggestions about what might be the appropriate *type* of therapy (CBT) but not how to turn that concept into an actual person.
posted by TheManChild2000 to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: The Great MeFi Hiccup of 2010 ate all the original answers, one of the best referring to several organizations of therapists that supply CBT therapy. That was a good idea. Thanks to Kathrineg for the helpful ideas.
posted by TheManChild2000 at 7:18 PM on January 19, 2010

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