No hitchhikers!
August 3, 2009 8:19 AM   Subscribe

I am currently attempting to control a bed bug issue and am moving into a new apartment soon. I need any tips or recommendations to help me ensure that the bugs don't come with me.

I've read all the bed bug related threads in AskMe, but there was nothing specifically about moving during a bed bug outbreak. It is pretty much contained to my bedroom now. I am treating the problem with a regiment of steaming, vacuuming and lining the walls with diatomaceous earth, but some are still getting through (Some nights nothing, others between 2 and 5). My mattress and pillow are encased in dust mite covers (but I will throw them out and purchase a new bed and have it delivered to my new place). I figure I'll wash all the clothes I'm taking and deliver them straight to my new apartment, but what about books, appliances and stuff? Is there something I'm missing? Should I just steam everything as I move it? Please help me to get a decent nights sleep for the first time in a long time. Thanks!
posted by Ohdemah to Home & Garden (3 answers total)
I don't know about the furniture, but one thing to do is to run all of your soft things (clothes, linens, blankets, stuffed toys if you have kids) through a dryer for 20 minutes (I think - or more), and immediately plastic bag them. You don't need to wash - just dry on high heat, as the heat kills them.
posted by jb at 8:27 AM on August 3, 2009

When I was in a similar situation, anything that I couldn't wash and dry on high heat, I vacuumed really well and sealed in big plastic bags or sealable bins before I moved it. I also got rid of everything I could afford to. Alternatively, anything you think might be infested that you don't need for a while, put in a tightly-sealed bag or bin until you can be sure the bugs are dead (something like 18 months). Bedbugger was my main source of info at that time, they may have more ideas (though it can freak you out pretty good too).

The good news is, I didn't carry the bugs along with me, so it is possible.
posted by doift at 10:18 AM on August 3, 2009

If you are getting bitten, they're getting fed, and are breeding. The eggs last a long time. I was given a mattress/box spring, and got bitten by what could have been bedbugs. I stored the set in the attic for 18 months just to be safe.

So, if you want to save anything fabric, you should use the nuclear option. You should even disassemble the bed, and exterminate the components.
posted by theora55 at 11:31 AM on August 3, 2009

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