A picture says 1000 words; A manatee Tshirt says 3.
July 1, 2009 1:09 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a manatee-themed t shirt for a female friend. Cuteness overload is NOT a concern!

I have a friend who is absolutely in love with manatees. Her birthday is coming up so I would like to give her a manatee-themed t shirt as a birthday gift. Budget is ~$20 (+shipping/handling) but willing to spend a little more for a really good/adorable design.

Thanks in advance!
posted by jstarlee to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (8 answers total)
posted by quodlibet at 1:12 PM on July 1, 2009

Best answer: or this.

And get her this card.
posted by quodlibet at 1:18 PM on July 1, 2009 [1 favorite]

Sir Critter!. Apparently from our very own Jezztek.
posted by fiercekitten at 1:32 PM on July 1, 2009 [1 favorite]

I suppose there is some risk of unintentional fat-joke... but I would be remiss to not suggest the classic internet meme "O' The Huge Manatee" (Hindenburg reference)

An entire manatee-underground fan club I never knew existed. thank you internet
posted by jmnugent at 1:43 PM on July 1, 2009

How bout this one from T-Shirt Hell? (greatest t-shirt site, evah! And VERY NSFW) : Manatee
posted by newfers at 2:34 PM on July 1, 2009

This would work, but only make sense to a Conan fan.
posted by O9scar at 8:09 PM on July 1, 2009

Response by poster: Cool suggestions people all around. Love the birthday card!

Thank you everyone.
posted by jstarlee at 9:43 PM on July 1, 2009

I don't know if you're getting the one you highlighted, but this is a must-have for Jim Gaffigan fans.
posted by runcibleshaw at 11:17 PM on July 1, 2009

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