Where can I go to hear a klezmer band or a large steel pan ensemble in South Florida?
May 28, 2009 5:12 AM   Subscribe

Where can I go to hear a klezmer band or a large steel pan ensemble in South Florida?

I know that these two types of music might not seem to have much in common, but I'm asking about them both because it seems to me that one would find both in abundance in South Florida. However, Google as I might, I haven't had much luck. I've been to see the Florida Memorial University steel band before, and they're quite good. I think they only play a few shows a year, though. As for local klezmer, I haven't had much luck at all. I've seen a few klezmer bands passing through (The Klezmer Conservatory Band, The Vulgar Bulgars, The New Orleans Klezmer All Stars), but none that are based in South Florida.

Can anyone suggest any steel bands or klezmer bands that play locally on a regular basis? I live in Broward, but I'm willing to drive.
posted by 6and12 to Society & Culture (1 answer total)
Klezmershack main listings
Klezmershack South USA listings (warning, this list is in reverse chronological order and includes both future and past events)
Jewish Music Web Center announcements, both klezmer and other genres.

Florida Atlantic University holds a lot of events related to their Yiddish library collections and their Judaica sound archives (warning: link auto-plays audio). Their ensemble-in-residence, who perform all around Florida, is the Klezmer Company Orchestra (warning: link auto-plays audio).
posted by nonane at 5:33 AM on May 28, 2009

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