Theater marketing and fundraising
November 17, 2008 8:09 AM   Subscribe

Where can a Russian theater go in the US to learn about fundraising and marketing?

The theater in Yekaterinberg where my boss was a competition judge earlier this year would like to come to the US next spring to study ways to bring more income to their theater and meet other musical theater professionals. We suggested that they attend the National Alliance of Musical Theaters meeting in Atlanta, and that they contact the International Sister Cities program.

Are there other resources they can look into? I'm in Chicago, but we don't need to limit it to here.
posted by nax to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Definitely have them reach out to Theatre Communications Group!

Straight off their website...

"Our Programs and Services
Increase the organizational efficiency of our member theatres, cultivate and celebrate the artistic talent and achievements of the field and promote a larger public understanding of and appreciation for the theatre field.

Artistic Programs awards grants to theatres and theatre artists (approximately $3 million in 2005-2006), and offers career development programs for artists.

Management Programs provides professional development opportunities for theatre leaders through conferences and teleconferences, forums, publications, and workshops, as well as through industry research on the finances and practices of the American not-for-profit theatre.

Advocacy guides lobbying efforts and provides member theatres with timely alerts about legislative developments.

Publications produces American Theatre magazine, the ARTSEARCH employment bulletin, and publishes plays, translations and theatre reference books. TCG is the nation's largest not-for-profit publisher of dramatic literature, with ten Pulitzer-prize winning plays on our booklist. "
posted by BobFrapples at 9:53 AM on November 17, 2008

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