How do I find the source of embroidery clipart
November 9, 2008 4:44 PM   Subscribe

Where do machine embroidery people hang out? I'm going cross-eyed trying to find the source of a clipart Conestoga wagon embroidered on an award bandana our club uses.

The design was plucked out of a big book o' embroidery designs ten years ago. We need to have a new batch of bandanas made but our previous vendor disappeared. I've talked with several local embroidery shops, googled a handful of online embroidery emporiums, and plowed through 47 pages of google image results trying to find that particular wagon, to no avail. I can find a somewhat similar wagon, but without the horizontal pieces that in the sample connect to the circle. The circle is not part of the original clipart (to the best of my recollection). We'd love to find someone with the legal right to reproduce the original design. Some have offered to digitize it - but that seems potentially sketchy to me from the licensing angle. Are there any standout machine embroidery communities that I should briefly join in order to ask?
posted by cairnish to Grab Bag (3 answers total)
Embroidables is a board for embroidery addicts. Bernina has a sewing trends blog that has some info about embroidery designs.
posted by bjgeiger at 7:12 PM on November 9, 2008

look on ebay for someone that sells digitizng services, and send them the picture. More than likely they can reproduce this into a file that you can use in your machine ( or whoever will do the actual embroidering)
posted by Mr_Chips at 5:20 AM on November 10, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks for the suggestion. Looks like Embroidables is focused on their own products - my plea hasn't made it past a moderator there.
posted by cairnish at 7:48 AM on November 11, 2008

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