Where can I find a list of bulletin boards in San Jose?
October 12, 2008 12:21 AM   Subscribe

Where can I find a list and/or map of "bulletin boards" in San Jose? More specifically, public posting boards where folks post a variety of commercial (and non-commercial) notices, such as "services for hire" and "room for rent" and so forth.

Growing up in my hometown of Eugene, I could wander around the university campus housing and find five or ten public corkboards where folks would just staple or thumbtack their advertisements. In general it was good to date your posting so that folks didn't cover it up for a few days. Does anyone know of a list of these boards in San Jose, or have any suggestions where I should be looking? I found one by accident at Whole Foods.
posted by crysflame to Society & Culture (1 answer total)
I think those bulletin boards are pretty standard in most grocery stores and laundromats in California... but I don't know where you could find a list of them.
posted by kaudio at 8:52 AM on October 12, 2008

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